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Mar 30, 2007
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in the mornignis when i feel most of my twitching and other discomforts. such as twithcig in chest area not sure if it is really front or back plus twitching and cramps in calf. I also seem to have a sick stomach every mornignwhich seem to make me throw up spit and flem is that maybe a sign og bulbar als and swallowing the flem. i know my emg was clean i am just so scared. for some reason deep down i have a bad feeling about this
Throwing up is not a sign of ALS, rather a sign of infection. YOu should look into other diseases / sicknesses. Try lyme or virus or something else.


I was wondering if your doctor has offered you anything to help make you feel calmer. I know that anxiety may not be the reason for your illness, but taking an anti-anxiety med really will help with how you deal with the symptoms. I don't want to sound like one of the docs that blames things on anxiety, but even you know how upset and scared you are. I think a huge percentage of the members of this forum have or are taking something for anxiety. I take Xanax when I can't sleep due to symptoms. I have also taken it when I have felt very ill and it makes me feel calmer about the symptoms. If you haven't tried something, I think it would be worth your while to call your doc and ask for something to help you cope with what is going on. Good luck! Leslie
One thing I know and read is anxiety worsens any neurological disease ANY so try to get something for your aanxiety. I know if I am tired stressed my symtoms are worse. I am not saying stress is causing your problems but it may be agravating them. Pat
Steve, you can read my posts from teh beginnging, i was exactly in your position in Oct. 06. I had the clean reports / EMG's and still problmes, but now, everyeone around you (family /docs / friends) now starting to wonder with all the "normal" test....?

If you still feel what you feel, and it continues, you should push for antoher EMG, but you should wait at least 2 months before, as doing another one now, will yeild almost the same results. I don't know if your in a ALS Clinic, but i would shoot for an appt. there, and let them do thier EMG, it will be extensive.

In the meantime, we can see that yor anxious and concerned. I got on Wellbutrin 300 mg / day and they have made a wonderful differnece. The welllburtin allowed me to focus on living, rathar than dying. It make me live for today, enjoy today, plan for tomorrow, plan how ot combat ALS symptoms and still keep a happy mind.

If i had know what it would do for me 5 years ago, i would have gotten on it 5 years ago.

YOu may need to try a few, Wellbutrin was the best for me, but there are other such as: Zoloft, Lexapro, Paxil, Prozac, Effexor. I tried Lexapro (made me to emotional); Paxil (Couldn't get out of bed next day); Effexor (Felt like i was in outer space). Wellbutrin was the one for me, and it's worked like a charm.

There are not many side effects to Wellbutrin, but one of them are is increased libido. WE (My Wife & I) love that part. It's also helped our marriage get thur our rough times by keeped the afterhours busy and interesting.

Good Luck

And it will help you quit smoking if you do that after the after hours stuff.
well i would first like to say i hope everyone had a happy easter. I am going to see a doctor this week about anixity pills to help the feeling of doom go away. i also am just so so concerned still because like i read in other post you can have several clean emgs at first but down the line it can show up. I will have another i think i july if things do not get better. i was praying so much all weekend since it is one of the most important weekends for christians and hopfully god heard my pray for myself and for all of you. i am not sure weaht to do at this point other then pray and hope for the best.
just wondering if anyone with bulbar als could message me and let me know about some sypmtom with the tounge and lip area. was the ever any tingling or numbness in the lip area and tounge area
Deara Steve I started with slurred speech very mild like I was tired or had one too many.My tongue felt tight and to big for my mouth my tongue quivered when i stuck it out and I couldnt move it quickly side to side, no numbness at all .Lips were hard to form a kiss and whistle Pat
I am so glad that you took our advise and decided to ask your doc for something to help calm your nerves. I was worried that you thought we may be blaming your symptoms on anxiety, when really we are just hoping you feel better when trying to deal with them. Good luck!
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