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Active member
Jan 6, 2009
Learn about ALS
This probably doesn't occur very often, but I learned from a recent experience to question my neurologist about the possibility of my medications masking symptoms that could help in diagnosis. My neuro was aware that I have a severe degenerative joint disease and attend pain management therapy, plus he was aware of my medications. I take medicines such as (pardon the spelling) tinzanidine, skelaxin, ultram, lodine, sulfazine, and embril. Recently, on a business trip, I forgot one round of medications. In my hotel, I performed the range of motion exercises prescribed by my physical therapist. Shortly after, I experienced almost unbearable muscle cramp pain in my forearms and calves for hours. I have never experienced anything like this. Until recently, I was into powerlifting and have a gym in my basement. It's hard to imagine that wrist curls with one pound weights could cause so much pain. 6 months ago, I used 150 pounds.

During my previous neuro visits, I told him I was having only minor cramping and pain. When I called about this experience, he apologized and said he had not really considered the possibility. He was disheartened by the news.

I am scheduled to go to the Mayo clinic in two weeks. I would appreciate any recommedations regarding lodging in Rochester, MN, because I was told that I may need to be there over a week.

Hopefully at the Mayo they take into account the different meds you are on (maybe a chat with a pharmacologist). My brother has begged my father to have a good clinical pharmacologist review all his meds, as once you hit the half dozen mark there is a lot of potential for interaction (he himself saw a number of possibilities). Its unfortunate that it seems like the medication may be hiding the intensity of certain symptoms (though I certainly don't want you to suffer).

Best of luck... I know there are a number of people who on the forum who have been to Rochester who will be able to help you out.

Take care,

Going to Mayo/Minn March 2

Hi Keane.

I was told I most likely have bulbar ALS - slurred speech and intermittent trouble swallowing for the last three months.

My husband and I will be at Mayo the first week of March for another opinion. We are staying at the Marriott Hotel. Mayo sent a packet of info and their was a lodging brochure in the packet. Maybe we'll see you there!

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