After lurking here for some time, I have finally decided to post my story and see if I can get anymore opinions and/or needed support. Until now I have not posted as I never wanted to be perceived as one of those who is just sort of letting hypochondria run away with them if you know what I mean. In any case, here are the important highlights of my story. I am a 41 year old professional engaged white male.
In early 2005 I started to notice a burning sensation in my left quadracep at the medial insertion point just above the knee. I also had noticed some slight atrophy at this point as well as slight pes cavus in the left foot. I had a similar "grooved channel" of wasting between the ring and pinky fingers on my right hand as well as twitching and burning sensation on the "grip" muscle between the thumb and forefinger of the same hand. As with the left leg, the hand just didn't feel right. It feels like it doesn't quite work right and has an electric current running through it. There is a visible essential tremor but motor strength is completely preserved.
There was a feeling of it not quite working right and an essential tremor which feels like an electric current. This was felt by the neuro as well. I also had fasciculations mostly in the legs and feet on both sides which was aggrivated by exercise. Fasics in the right hand are rarely seen despite the wasted muscle but widespread in both legs although not constant. To simply this period suffice it to say that I had a normal neuro exam, clean NCV, clean EMG, clean MRI at this time. I was officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia in the spring of 2005.
I lived with it for some time and finally decided to have another crack at figuring this out just recently. The atrophy in the left leg has progressed but is still confined to the vastus medialis just above the knee. It is VERY visibly scooped out now, but the motor strength is still preserved. This is a very important piece of information. My most recent neuro exam shows that dispite the wasting, the leg and foot have 100% motor strength. To be honest, I am really starting to become aware of the wasting and although not effecting motor strength, it just doesn't work right because there is less muscle, but the first repetition control is there. Same goes for the right hand. Less muscle but 100% grip strength, etc.Neuro did finger tests, trying to pull them apart, etc. and I pass with flying colors. Still hyper-reflexive mostly in the legs and slightly assymetric favoring the left where the atrophy is. Still have the migratory fasics, worse with exercise. I can still walk 4 miles a day. Have more and more fatigue lately, but no tripping or marked weakness. There is just less muscle. No Babisski. No clonus
So despite having another normal neuro exam, he decided to refer me to Mayo. I went and had another postive neuro exam - same result. He sees the wasting and fasics and doesn't know what to think because there is no marked weakness. I had another EMG which was super clean. Not even a hint of anything. They did the spine too. Since then the tremor has gotten worse and spread to the lips and a little in the tongue though very slight. I have also developed dysphagia, but not in the mouth. Tongue strength is great. The swallowing difficulty is only solid food and never liquid and obvoiusly at the esophageal junction. I feel tense all the time in terms of the muscles all over. So even Mayo couldn't make a diagnosis. All blood work is perfect. No elevated CK ruling out Inflamatory Myopathies. NCV normal ruling out MS and the like.
So I would be interested to hear what you all think. Are they missing something? And please don't say they can't because they are Mayo please. The bottom line is I have all the MND symptoms with no weakness. But the atrophy and reflex issues can't be denied. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for your help and feel free to ask any more questions.
In early 2005 I started to notice a burning sensation in my left quadracep at the medial insertion point just above the knee. I also had noticed some slight atrophy at this point as well as slight pes cavus in the left foot. I had a similar "grooved channel" of wasting between the ring and pinky fingers on my right hand as well as twitching and burning sensation on the "grip" muscle between the thumb and forefinger of the same hand. As with the left leg, the hand just didn't feel right. It feels like it doesn't quite work right and has an electric current running through it. There is a visible essential tremor but motor strength is completely preserved.
There was a feeling of it not quite working right and an essential tremor which feels like an electric current. This was felt by the neuro as well. I also had fasciculations mostly in the legs and feet on both sides which was aggrivated by exercise. Fasics in the right hand are rarely seen despite the wasted muscle but widespread in both legs although not constant. To simply this period suffice it to say that I had a normal neuro exam, clean NCV, clean EMG, clean MRI at this time. I was officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia in the spring of 2005.
I lived with it for some time and finally decided to have another crack at figuring this out just recently. The atrophy in the left leg has progressed but is still confined to the vastus medialis just above the knee. It is VERY visibly scooped out now, but the motor strength is still preserved. This is a very important piece of information. My most recent neuro exam shows that dispite the wasting, the leg and foot have 100% motor strength. To be honest, I am really starting to become aware of the wasting and although not effecting motor strength, it just doesn't work right because there is less muscle, but the first repetition control is there. Same goes for the right hand. Less muscle but 100% grip strength, etc.Neuro did finger tests, trying to pull them apart, etc. and I pass with flying colors. Still hyper-reflexive mostly in the legs and slightly assymetric favoring the left where the atrophy is. Still have the migratory fasics, worse with exercise. I can still walk 4 miles a day. Have more and more fatigue lately, but no tripping or marked weakness. There is just less muscle. No Babisski. No clonus
So despite having another normal neuro exam, he decided to refer me to Mayo. I went and had another postive neuro exam - same result. He sees the wasting and fasics and doesn't know what to think because there is no marked weakness. I had another EMG which was super clean. Not even a hint of anything. They did the spine too. Since then the tremor has gotten worse and spread to the lips and a little in the tongue though very slight. I have also developed dysphagia, but not in the mouth. Tongue strength is great. The swallowing difficulty is only solid food and never liquid and obvoiusly at the esophageal junction. I feel tense all the time in terms of the muscles all over. So even Mayo couldn't make a diagnosis. All blood work is perfect. No elevated CK ruling out Inflamatory Myopathies. NCV normal ruling out MS and the like.
So I would be interested to hear what you all think. Are they missing something? And please don't say they can't because they are Mayo please. The bottom line is I have all the MND symptoms with no weakness. But the atrophy and reflex issues can't be denied. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for your help and feel free to ask any more questions.