May be PLS...

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yes Geo,
I'm right there with you, people tell me all the time to slow down, quit doing so much, get some rest... I just tell them, politely, I'll get plenty of rest when I'm dead!

keep the faith,
All the advice my mom keeps getting from the medical professional is to keep going. They tell not to stop anything and continue to do as much as she can. Don't stop moving is the advice given to her and it sounds pretty good to me. Because of her condition she now needs to lie down during the day and rest her legs and in this way she has had to slow down because daily rests were foreign to her.

daily rests on a afternoon are a must,by 2pm i am completely bush wacked:lol:
i do agree you have to keep going as much as you can,but i have found as time has gone on over the years it becomes less and less.
i will wake up some day and find my body has finally grounded to a halt............finished,kaputt.
i already have little old men and women overtake me and vanish down the street,my son finds this hilarious:roll:
from what you have said recently your mum is doing really well,considering.
i hope it stays that way for a long long time.
take good care.
I use to take a nap in morning after breakfast w/ my Buddy(Kitty on my lap on the couch ) ,but since ive been in a warmer climate than i use to we dont take our morning naps , My day starts out kind of slow and struggling but as the day goes on and im in the Sun more i do good ,but as afternoon gets on ,getting towards and after Dinner i know to relax more . Get a little weak in the legs . Im starting to get Spasms in my low back and leg (right ) during sleep and tonight i noticed im getting them in my Under chin and neck ,so i'll get back on my Tonic water for a while and we'll see if they go away . Naps are good Especially with your Buddy on the couch . Gotta have our Buddies . Geo
Thanks for your good wishes. I too pray it stays this way.

I agree that the warm weather would make one feel better. However, even this summer, my mom's legs were so painful from all the spasms that she needed to lay down and rest them.
By the way, sorry to hear about your increased spasticity. I hope the tonic water helps.
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