Making Peace


Very helpful member
Forum Supporter
May 9, 2016
Lost a loved one
Lots of changes since I last posted in October,

I’ve lost 40 pounds, improving my heath. I reunited with my D., who yes also has ALS, as my late husband did. We met when I was 17, connected again a few years after my husband’s death and just about 39 years after we’d first met. We are long distance by necessity still, with him in Seattle and me here. D and I split up for about 9 months and are now back together. I go from Minneapolis to Seattle every 6-8 weeks. To spend time with him. D was diagnosed in May of 2015.

My late husband passed 3/13/19 after having ALS less than three years. It took me a very, very long time to make peace with what happened to him but I finally got there. Yes I think of him daily but it is not with the longing and misery I had for so long. It happened, and it’s still hard but not brutal, if that makes sense. One day I just realized I’d made peace with all of that. It really does happen, a d for me it happened this summer, over five years in.

So here I am, wishing all the calls and pals light and peace in your journey. Thanks always to this forum for all the ways it was here when I needed it most.

I don't visit these forums as often as I used to. But it is nice, when I do, to see a familiar name or face. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better and have found new purpose to your days. Like you, I continue to subscribe to this forum as a means to show how much it meant to me to be a participant when I most needed support and camaraderie. I hope you continue to find new people, places and things that become dear to you.

My very best, always...


It is so good to hear from you. Like Jim, I am not here very often. Maybe once a month or so. I am thrilled that you have made peace with the past. I too for the most part have, but still have rough times here and there.

I'm glad you have reconnected again with D. You sound quite happy and content.

This forums will always hold a dear spot in my heart for all the gave to me over my journey with Brian.

Best to you, and do drop in from time to time.

best wishes. I TOO RARELY visit the forum lsod it's good to see familiar names. I WAS Also diagnosed in 2015 and continue slow decline. glad you have found peace.

Great to see you guys -- wishing you all the beauty that Fall (and new additions!) bring.

It may sound flip, and possibly I am jaded since year 10 for me ends next month, but if you wallow in life's joys, I find it's easier for the griefs to babysit themselves.

So when I see things that Larry enjoyed, I am now more happy that he got to enjoy them than sad that there were not more.
I still am tearful in the evenings. But quite busy during the days. It will be 2 years in Feb 2025. Our family had a toy poodle for many years and this past Sunday I purchased another, Casper. I have decided not to date and do not want to leave the house, so felt I could give a another poodle a home. I have the house decorated in yellow, Paul's favorite color. And it is cheerful. I am so pleased you all are doing well! It brightens my heart!