LPR4+ eye lid twitch/both leg twitching and Gluteus twitching

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Dec 15, 2024
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HI, I am 55 year old M.
1 month before, I experienced right eye lid twitching and my MG for LRP4 antibody come back positive.
After that, one week before I experienced random twitching on both of my leg/fee and minor Gluteus twitching.
No weakness though.
Should I worry about onset of ALS. from the research, ALS patients has 20% LRP4+


I would expect a neurologist to work you up for neurologic disease, period, if that's what they're doing. So they can consider MG, ALS, and all the rest. But I am a little puzzled why they are doing that just for twitching so presume there are some other signs that warrant explanation that you didn't mention.

Since LRP4 usually isn't run for the general population, it's hard to be worried about a single value. Follow the dx process out, especially if your issues progress, but it's hard to be worried about ALS on the basis of what you've said.
the PCP order the MG panel for me because I have thymic cyst and they want to rule out MG.
but MG patients normally does not experience leg twitching. I am more worried about ALS than MG.


That isn’t true. MG patients twitch. But also healthy people , people with muscle injuries, dehydration or stress. It is a terribly nonspecific symptom

And as Laurie says LRP4 is nonspecific as well. Please stop listening to MrGoogle and let your doctor figure out what is next. Maybe repeating the test even before anything else

I found this on the Wash U neurology site
A recent study conducted by the Mayo Clinic showed conflicting results suggesting false-positive LRP4 in 5-6% of all non-MG cases. These false-positive cases include non-MG confirmed cases based on normal clinical-electrodiagnostic testing (EDX) and healthy individuals.
just had a EMG, I attached my result. Is it looking normal? I have legs twitching since Dec 2024. Should I redo the EMG in the future and at what interval? Thanks


  • Screenshot 2025-01-09 at 12.21.52 PM.png
    Screenshot 2025-01-09 at 12.21.52 PM.png
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Yes normal. The triceps two tiny findings are meaningless Since your only symptom is twitching I think I don’t think you really needed this emg even but any further testing should be up to your doctor
now my twitching go to my face/jaw. still have the leg twitching. So I worry about ALS for this.

do ALS patients have face twitching near mouth?
The EMG trumps your worry. Please seek help for the anxiety and stay in touch with your PCP.
From my EMG, there is number and recruitment
For Triceps, the number is 1- and recruit is Mod-V
What's meaning for above, EMG expert please help.
From Nikki's reply a week ago:

Yes normal. The triceps two tiny findings are meaningless Since your only symptom is twitching I think I don’t think you really needed this emg even but any further testing should be up to your doctor

You have been asked to return to your doctor if you have further questions. Your emg findings are not consistent with ALS, so this forum is not going to be of use to you. As Laurie stated, it is time to address your anxiety while you work with your doctor to track down any cause for your issues.

Take care
My twitching got worse, calf consistently, hamstring, randomly in my back, arm, face. Sometimes it looks like a tremble/jerk. Should I worry for ALS on set? Lose sleep at night, any good suggestions for sleeping medicine?
This is not a general medical advice forum. You've been comprehensively cleared of ALS. Your best bet is to return to your doctor to discuss sleep issues.

I will be closing this thread. Please do not start another.
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