Lost my Honey...

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Pollyanna, I am so sorry for your loss of Roger. It sounds like you two had an amazing relationship. I am so glad for you that you have a strong and caring family, and church family.

My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time.
My deepest sympathy

I am so sorry for your loss of your husband. It is evident in your posting that your husband was truly your soul mate. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time of loss. Shelly
i cannot say anything that will make things better for you right now other then he is in a better place with god and my thought and prayers will be with you and your family. It is just so sad how this disease can move at differnet rates in some then other may god help them find a cure for it. God Bless


I'm reading your post and you are a wonderful person, never leaving his side. YOu are special and he, was the luckiest man in the world, even with ALS to have someone like you beside him!

He is in a better place, and will be watching over you now, to ensure, that you receive, the same treatement you afforded him, with much love and care. You remind me of what my wife will do for me when the time is required.

You are an inspiration to all CALS and god bless.

Please don't leave us, we need encouragement from people like you.


Pollyanna, I am so sorry for your loss. You and Roger had (still have!) such a wonderful relationship, and your love and care for him are truly awe-inspiring. I know he loved (still loves!) you just as much. PLEASE do not feel guilty for raising your voice to Roger, and try to put aside that regret. Just as you said that he was entitled to be frustrated and angry, so were you. You are such an amazingly selfless person, and I just know Roger would not want you to feel guilty about anything. You did the very best you could, which is far more than many people could have, or would have, done. Be very good to yourself, Pollyanna. You certainly deserve all the goodness that life has to offer. You and Roger are in my prayers. Sharon
Hello Pollyanna

Hello Pollyanna and Family, My thoughts and prayers are with you. We are here for you if you need anything. Fondly, Beebe
now is the time to play the glad game.

May God Bless you & the girls giving you all peace. Roger was truly blessed having you as his caregiver.
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