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May 1, 2018
Learn about ALS
Hi everyone. Looking for some input as I see you all are very kind and knowledge able. About two months ago I started difficulty swallowing abruptly out of nowhere. It's constant , I can swallow solids although pieces get stuck above Adams apple and I need to sip water most bites. Saliva seems to pool back of my throat.I have somewhat of a nasal voice with mild slurring , if I drink to fast water will occasionally come through nose a tiny bit, and even remnants of water and saliva sit in back of my throat, I now sip water cautiously. While swallowing it feels like my tongue is stopping my swallow and I hear squeaking noise at times mid swallow, very strange. I have alot of throat clearing . I chew my food extremely well causing extra saliva and hesitate to swallow , also dry mouth at times throughout day. I'm feeling tired more often and now limbs seem to fatigue much quicker than normal. Not sure if bulbar onset could be kicking in. Went to ent who said possible lpr/gerd and dysphagia. I'm constantly swallowing and throat clearing from saliva. Im waiting on my next appointment as dysphasia hasn't gotten better. Also my shoulders and wrists seem to pop/ crack more than ever . Getting winded rather quick at times and especially laying on a certain side. Thank u for reading hopefully get a reply or so!
Have you been to an ENT? That is where I would start.
Joint popping and cracking has absolutely nothing to do with ALS except perhaps in advanced stages when there is significant muscle atrophy.

There are many, many causes of dysphagia with ALS being at the bottom of the list. Reflux can cause many of the symptoms you describe including a feeling of breathlessness. I’d keep seeing the ENT and let him or her finish the evaluation. Sometimes it takes time to resolve GERD and other causes of dysphagia. Sometimes it leads to a GI evaluation.
Thank u very much for replying. I forgot to mention I've noticed some muscle loss atrophy on my right side and my eyelid on same side has somewhat of a droop. Curious as how soon you would see atrophy from als

Please work with your doctors. We cannot keep answering random questions about ALS if you have not been diagnosed with ALS.

Follow up with your ENT. You are welcome to come back and post results and diagnoses.
Atrophy is an example of a possible symptom that is really only useful when tracked by an outsider (e.g. a physician). You can think there is a change, but someone trained in observing differences can actually track whether that is the case. Even photos can mislead depending on angle, lighting, etc.

Summing up, we don't see ALS in your posts, but we do see someone who should be following up with the ENT you mentioned, as it sounds like you are. Meanwhile, hydration (if water is an issue, drink something thicker) and mild, slow stretching couldn't hurt.

Ok thank you very much for the reply. I'm following up with ent and gastroenterology. I was worried due to the dysphagia , and even water not completely swallowing as a bit remains in my upper throat after swallowing and my saliva sticking at top of my throat also combined with chronic throat clearing has me absolutely scared. Then to notice thinning from my face to shoulder and pelvic region, even upper back on my right side looks thin / atrophied . My girlfriend has noticed also. All these symptoms is crazy. I'm just extremely worried. Only right side so far from face to pelvic area affected that I can notice. Again I appreciate all feedback
Another question do you loose control to tell if you aspirate water while living with als or do you always recognize and cough when you do. At times I feel as it does go down wrong tube but my body doesn't respond or absence of gag reflex. Also does it matter the amount of water being consumed? Again I appreciate the answer s from knowledge able caring first hand people dealing with als.
We are not going to generalize answers about symptoms of ALS, that we don't feel you have. Please continue on the path you have laid out so that you can get relief.
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