Longstanding symptoms

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New member
Jul 1, 2022
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I first began experiencing fasciculation in January 2014; This was generalized, and without any other symptoms I believed myself to have BFS. Since then I have experienced atrophy (in order) in the legs, hands, feet, and now stomach area and minor loss of muscle in the face/forehead. Despite this I have not had any difficulty in my daily life/with completing tasks over the last 8 years of symptoms. I can still walk, my handwriting is as good as ever, and I do not believe I have experienced any neurological symptoms. Before his death (from an unrelated illness) my father was under investigation for a connective tissue disorder; I have always been incredibly thin and never developed significant muscles in my arms and struggled with exercise/clumsiness even in childhood

The condition has followed a pattern of long periods of zero progress followed by a few periods of rapid atrophy. I am wondering if this fits the bill for any other condition, such as a dystrophy or a different MND and not ALS, because of its incredibly slow rate of progress and the lack of any bulbar/internal symptoms like difficulty swallowing, breathing, or of a cardiac/sensory nature.

I should add that I haven't seen a doctor because I only recently moved to a country with adequate medical provisions. I am currently just trying to crowdsource an opinion before I get an appointment..
Best to see a doctor - this doesn't sound the least like ALS.
Read here on your way out, you truly don't belong here.


"I am currently just trying to crowdsource an opinion before I get an appointment."

My opinion, this forum is not designed to be a place for you (anybody) to crowd source
an opinion or even an off the cuff affirmation of anything.

And... it's really not a good idea to do that before you finally do get an appointment.

Copy your post above with your list of symptoms, let the doctor read it (so you
don't forget anything) and let him decide where to go from there.

With your deep health concerns make an appointment with a doctor ASAP.

Good luck.
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