LOL Lorie, you made my day!

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Moderator emeritus
Sep 17, 2006
Learn about ALS
New England
Here is what happened: I woke up today feeling strong. Didn’t even get worn out by simple things like taking a shower or pouring my coffee. So I decided to have one morning where I would take a break from worrying about my symptoms, latest tests, or even all my beloved CALS and PALS on this forum.

Since I didn’t need to lie down every few minutes, I was ready to leave for work a little early. So I decided to stop at CVS to pick up the latest pictures of the grandchildren. The Store Associate rang up my order very quickly, but not before I saws the words, “do you want to donate to ALS” flash across the screen. Then my total came up and he asked me how I wanted to pay.

"Wait,” I said. “Can you go back? I thought I saw something about a fundraiser.”[

"Oh yes. Did you want to donate?”

“Well, seeing as I know some of the people who have organized this fundraiser, yes. I hardly think I can face anybody today if I don’t ask you to re-do the sale to include my donation!”

Then he went and got another clerk, who rummaged around until she found those little signs you fill in. I signed mine as ‘Cindym’ of course. It is up on the wall in a CVS store somewhere in Massachusetts.

So much for taking the morning off, Lorie! :-D But I was so proud to know you and Tim! :-D And for everybody in Massachusetts, here is an additional challenge: go visit every CVS store within driving distance and make a donation. If you see my name on one of those little cards and write back to say which CVS I shop at, I’ll buy you a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee!
That is awesome!

I didn't realize CVS pharmacies were doing it throughout the nation. Have been trying to help Lorie sell some raffle tickets myself, but was under the impression it was more of a local thing. HOW WONDERFUL! That made my day too! Way to go Lorie! :mrgreen:
I know! I almost hugged the poor clerk, confused as he was about their new fundraiser. Stephanie, you and Lorie make a great team!
I have been seeing the donations here on Long Island as well, needless to say there are many little round things with my brother's name on them! you guys ROCK!
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