Locking Up:

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Distinguished member
Jul 6, 2011
Loved one DX
My husband has spells where his hands and legs lock up. Is this a symptom that others have? I know! Everyone is different! I just want to know. With all that I have read here and on the ALS web site, I haven't seen any thing like this described. Just want to know. Thank you.
My hands do at times. Usually when I'm exerting my fingers to try and grip something like a butter knife or something like that.
y fingers lock up, too. Sort of a cramp. I have to pry them open. Also the muscles of my chin.
Yes, my husband's fingers would lock up and he would not be able to let go of something he had held in his hand. I would have to pry his fingers off. Sometimes when I brushed his teeth, his mouth would clamp shut and I'd have to open it with the tooth brush, as the brush was lodged.
Thank you all! That helps to know we aren't alone with this symptom... If that makes any sence... Just know I appreciate your responses.
ME TOO! mostly my hands cramp for about 30 seconds....I think there is medication for this, ask your neuro
You are not alone ! ! Hands/fingers/foot, and cramps in my right calf and the tendon extending below the calf leading to the foot. Talk about disconfort ! ! !:?:
I take baclofen for the muscle cramps. It seemed to help stop the frequency of the cramps. Still get some lock with fingers once in awhile.
Gabapentin helps with mine.
Everything on me locks up. My hands when eating, PT just told me I can have a divice for my hands to hold utensil so I dont have to use my muscle that will lock up. Rest of body, legs, back, stomach, neck, arms, etc, etc, etc,...... not sure what to do. I was just put on lots of pills one is baclofen as gabapentin nor neurontin did anything for me. Hoping your husband can get some relief soon. {{Hug}}
Alternative methods I use include magnets... a magnet mattress pad, and wraps where needed. And I've also learned Reiki, which won't stop the cramp, but they seem to lessen since I started doing Reiki daily. The magnets can help control pain and swelling, don't seem to help everyone but I've been using them for nearly 16 years.
Yes, this happens to me all the time. The worst is early mornings that are cold and I have to stand outside for bus duty. The cold makes me lock up so bad I can't talk... my jaw is clenched shut so tight! OT/PT has me on a stretching program that is supposed to help stop this kind of thing, but so far, it's not really doing the trick.
My hands lock up in the morning when I wake up, my neuro prescribed wrist splints for me to wear at night, I have an appointment to get them and a AFO, I will let you know if this helps.
My PALS jaw snaps shut and is nearly impossible to release all the time. Its so bad that when I brush his teeth, I have to have him bite down on a wooden dowel so he wont bite off the end of the toothbrush. The rest of him is paralyzed... not sure if anything else locked up on him before that.
Egbar, I recently started using a resting hand splint on my right hand/arm. It's helping with the contractures but that's about it. AFOs are awesome. Don't know what I'd do without it!
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