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we gave my wife power of attorney when i was diagnosed, she used it a couple of years later.
my do not resuscitate order was done 2004 as my condition worsened
when i transfered to palliative care we as a group did my living will. This will not only spells out items i refuse but treatments i accept and don't i.e. urinary infection yes, dental yes, pnuemonia no. i have refused trache but may change my mind if i wish. when i feel my quality of life is not acceptable i can refuse current treatment like bipap which i began voluntarily and the team will be there for comort my home
we gave my wife power of attorney when i was diagnosed, she used it a couple of years later.
my do not resuscitate order was done 2004 as my condition worsened

when i transfered to palliative care we as a group did my living will. This will not only spells out items i refuse but treatments i accept and don't i.e. urinary infection yes, dental yes, pnuemonia no. i have refused trache but may change my mind if i wish. when i feel my quality of life is not acceptable i can refuse current treatment like bipap which i began voluntarily and the team will be there for comort my home