Lets Bring Some Joy What Is Your Best Christmas Story !

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Oct 4, 2008
Heres mine it was 2002 and my doughter just got her lerners so I got her a car for Christmas and she never knew anything about it but I had to get my son something as big so I got him a four wheeler. We all had a good cry that morning. It was a very special Christmas to me I love making my kids happy that's what I live for. Oh it was very hard geting them under the Christmas tree : ) Well what is your story? I got a lot more I want to tell you one more. It was 1989 2 years before my DX I was still married to my wife and she had no car and it was her dream to have a Mustang well I didn't have that kind of money it was two weeks before Christmas and my sisters boyfriend called me and ask me if I would be interested in buying his 1966 Mustang for 500.00 I could not bleave it. It was a nice car it was babyblue it was just what my wife would wont. so I got it I had to do a little work to it but not much. Anyway I had to fined a way to bring it home on Christmas eve well I got my friend to pick me up at 4 am well my wife woke up when I was sneaking out and she was real mad she thoult I was going to see a woman my wife was like that I could not go any were with out her well anyway I had to till her what was going on she felt so small. But she was never that way agaen. Well that is all for now.
Johnny :lol::lol:
Great thread, Johnny ...

When I was about 5, I was asleep on Christmas Eve, and my mother forgot where she had hidden all the Christmas toys! She searched the house, getting more and more frantic and crying her eyes out, and finally she and dad arranged some gifts from relatives to look like they were from Santa and went to bed about 4 a.m.

Of course, I was thrilled when I woke up ... it sure looked like Santa had been there to me! While mother was basting the turkey, she suddenly remembered ... there was a tiny room off the attic, and she'd put all the toys in there. But how to explain the late delivery from Santa to me?

I was playing with my gifts by the tree when Dad came running in the room ... "Look outside," he said. "Look what I found!" We ran outside, and there was a trail of toys in the snow leading away from the house. "Santa must have dropped these on his way back to the sleigh!" he said.

Wow! That was a momentous event in my life ... living proof that there IS a Santa. To this day, nobody can convince me that Santa Claus doesn't exist. :-)
Beth that was a great story but I'm afraid I just don't buy it. That business about the toys being in some room by the attic is hogwash. I think your Dad had it right. :wink:

Actually, my eyes started welling up when I read this. Guess I'm just a baby.

Okay, 2 posts in a row is usually taboo, but I just thought of something...

I'm hoping to have a good story soon. My daughter's boyfriend asked for my blessing to pop the question this coming Christmas morning. She doesn't know. Shhhh, don't tell.

(I hope she doesn't read this forum.)

That's great to hear Tom! Good to hear there are some old-fashioned gentleman left that will talk to Dad! I gave my in-laws the honor too when I asked my wife back in '88. Gosh, seems like so long ago but yet just like yesterday.

My best story has been with my son. We always took him outside and we looked for Santa on Christmas Eve. I always asked if he could see Santa, and pointed at the brightest star I could find. We always put out ashes on the hearth in the shape of boot prints, and left some cookie crumbs and an empty glass of milk for Christmas morning.

Wow- I'm a softy too - crying thinking about it. He's 15 now and way too big for that stuff now. Time flies, but I love that stuff.

Merry Christmas all!

congratulations, right?

that is good to hear! My husband planned the whole thing and a limo to pick my up from work (dec.12th)
and I was so surprised. We were in the limo and I asked how it went when he asked my dad? OH SH***! He forgot!(he was busy) so he called in the limo and my mom answered the phone and he asked her. My dad has no hard feelings, he was glad to pass me on!


For christmas

It was my parents worst, they had a work shop in the basement and put our toys in there with a pad lock. My older sister had the idea to just unscrew the screws on the metal plate. So we all did! (there was 4 girls and we were no that old, like 4,7,9,10). We walked in and I saw that huge pink 20ft stuffed snake that I wanted and all our stuff. IT was like hitting gold. My parents did not know untill yrs later and were soooo upset.

I have 2 cousins that got up early and unwrapped everything and then wrapped it all back up before my aunt and uncle awoke. Well, they knew what happen were upset.

2 yrs ago, I put all the kids toys in my spare bedroom and layed it out to see what I had. My boys never went in there as it is off the way in the hall. The door was shut, and one day Jack's cousin was over and they went in there. My sister and I were down stairs and we heard all these screams and lauphing, I ran up there and lo and behold they were in the room and going through all the toys! I yelled and screamed and I think I cried! It was so bad.

Take care and have a merry CHRISTmas!
my christmas to share

ok, hope ya'll are ready for mine! and Tom-congrats to you-he sounds like a good man for your daughter, if such a person exists?

It was 12/17/86, I had been dating Dan for about 6 months. We were going to his fire department Christmas dinner, so after I got off work, I went home to change into the basic Christmas dinner attire, skirt and sweater, I think.

He came to pick me up around 630pm, walked in with a box of Cracker Jacks. I asked him why he had those, he said something about having a snack before the dinner. Of course I was in a rush, had already brushed my teeth, and wanted nothing to do with Cracker Jacks!

Seeming a little disappointed, he said, "well, have some anyway", I guess I got p$#$d off, so I grabbed the box, opened it, dumped it in a green tupperware bowl, and boldly pronounced "FINE, I"LL TAKE THE PRIZE!".

I ripped open that little prize package and inside it was the smallest of all post-it notes that said "Merry Christmas Brenda, will you marry me?" And my engagement ring was rapped in the post-it!

Of course I started screaming, crying, jumping up and down, screaming some more, calling my mom, my sister, all my friends, and then we went to the Christmas dinner.

And for the life of me, I can't recall even being at that dinner!

Last note-we were married on 4/5/87, so next April makes 22 yrs!
hugs to all,
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This happened this past Monday. I took my shut-in Mom to her church to visit the 4 year olds preschool class. We brought snacks and gifts. The teacher asked if they new what season it was and the loudest little boy in the class said "DEER SEASON!" This little boy kept asking my Mom what she had in her basket. Finally she told him it was a dead rat! He proceeded to tell us all that "I don't eat dead rat, but I do eat dead possum!"


We got a real kick out visiting with those little guys!:mrgreen:
O.k. With 7 kids spread out 25 years I have a lot of stories, but I will tell the most recent. Last year my 6 year old got up in the middle of the night. Opened every present that had his name on it, and when we got up, he was setting in the middle of the floor playing with his toys, chocolate all over his face from his stocking, When I got upset with him, which was very hard to do by the way. He told me it was fine because Santa had told him when he got up to help him put the toys under the tree he could go ahead and open his. Oh, I was thinking what a little liar. He still to sweet to be upset with.

Merry Christmas, Renee
What a brilliant, creative, genius you have there, Renee. If I'd only been able to come up with a story like that as a kid, I'm sure it would have changed my life!

He kinda nailed you on the Santa story, didn't he!?!? Ho, Ho, Ho.
Angels on Earth

Well, this one is hard to believe, and some of you may decide that I am sickeningly optimistic, but it is truly a feel good story. It didn't happen at Christmas, but it truly reaffirmed my faith in people.
As you may have picked up in my previous 2 posts, I have chosen to make the most of the rest of my life with ALS, and to use my voice for other PALS since so far I still have it. (It doesn't hurt that I LOVE to talk!) I travel my community in my powerchair and have met a lot of people. I must preface this story by saying times have been very hard financially for the last year. My husband is in radio sales, and it's been rough.
One very cloudy day in October, against my husband's offer to go and his usual protest at my stubborn independence, one of the neighbor kids and I ventured out to the grocery store for stuff for cookies. Lizzy 11 and on her bike, I 50 and in my chair. The store is about 5 miles round trip. The sky grew darker as we got to the store, but we got there and got our stuff. As we left, the clouds opened and dumped torrents of rain and hail. We waited inside until it subsided enough to roll out-we covered my hand controls with a ziplock, and I had a blanket covering my legs. As we traveled, we kept finding shelter as we needed, but we were drenched! We kept laughing at what we must look like-at one point, my chair rolling over my blanket, throwing it into a puddle! I started laughing so hard, Lizzy asked if I was laughing or crying. I said laughing of course, what else could possibly happen to us? (Really, the good part's coming!)
Right about then a truck pulled up in front of us. Out stepped a very attractive and kind looking man that had nodded to me in the grocery store. He walked back and asked if he could help us in any way, said he'd seen me in my travels, and did I do this often? I said no, we were doing ok, and that I did do it often, but usually planned better! We laughed, he started to walk away -then hesitated and turned back around. He said-"I want to do something for you"- and pulled out his wallet. I said-"no-no-really, we are fine", thinking he wanted to give us money for lunch. He insisted that he wanted to, and pulled a stack out, of which all I could see was hundreds! I sat in the middle of the road-crying-unable to move my cold hands-speechless as he dropped a pile of money in my lap and walked away. I stopped crying long enough to say-"wait-what is your name?" He replied-"it's not important-but you will see me again-we'll meet again in heaven"----and off he drove. Lizzy and I stared in amazement about 5 minutes before actually looking at the money-$900.00! I was stunned for days. I was able to even pay it forward and help out some of the kid's families in my neighborhood.
So you tell me-I believe I met an angel!
Jenny Hoff
When I was about 8 one of my older sisters decided it was time I learned that there was no Santa Claus. She sat me down in my bedroom and explained to me that it was my parents who filled up the living room with presents and stuffed our stockings. I was devastated. I then told my parents my new found knowledge about my favorite holiday. They assured me that Santa did exist but only came to those that believed but it was too late. I was already a skeptic and jaded. That Christmas morning I had awoken and had to go to the bathroom around 5am. I had to go past the living room to get to the bathroom. The house was dark except for the lights from the Xmas tree. I caught out of the corner of my eye the outline of a person dressed in a red suit and a beard standing by the Xmas tree. My heart almost skipped a few beats and I immediately hit the ground to avoid being seen. I crawled on my belly to the bathroom and did my business without turning on a light or making a sound and crawled back to bed. I was beaming from ear to ear thinking that my parents were right and my mean old sister was wrong. I managed to get back to sleep and when I awoke I couldn't wait to tell my sister just how wrong she was. Well, much to my surprise the figure I saw that restored my faith in Christmas was just an very large inflatable Santa my parents had purchased for my little brother who was probably around 2yrs old at the time. I will never forget those few heart stopping moments as I made my way to and from the bathroom thinking that Santa was in my living room bringing us all our Xmas morning loot.
Christmas memory

When I was six, I magically believed in Santa and with great anticipation hung my usual stocking up the the cardboard fireplace we set up every year. It wasn't a storebought stocking, but one that I saved out of my dad's for that purpose. (The biggest and stretchiest I could find.) I was the youngest child of five, who were mostly grown and I had several neices and nephews. My mom and dad also hung their stockings up alongside mine.

That year my dad had a suggestion. He told me that we should cut the toes out of our stockings so that when Santa went to fill them, things would fall out the bottom and pile up on the floor.... and then we would get many more goodies! My mom heard him talking and she right away scorned his idea and said it might backfire on us if we did that. She stated she surely wasn't even going to consider it because it wasn't right. I asked her if I could do it, and she told me it was up to me.

Well, I had several restless night's sleep, as I was proposing to cut the toe of my stocking. Dad kept taunting me about cutting it, and I saw his hanging there with the toe out. He went around so happy and looking forward to a big pile of stocking gifts from Santa. OH, HOW I WANTED TO DO THE SAME WITH MINE. But Mom's words rung a little truer than Dad's. Mom was always right when it came to these things.

I decided to leave well enough alone and SADLY went to bed on Christmas Eve because I really wanted to cut the toe. In the morning, there was my stocking filled to overflowing with wonderful things...... and my Mom's too. There was my dad's, sewn shut with red thread and filled with coal. He sat there in his chair with a frown on his face!

This all sounds like a good lesson for a child, but guess what? I am a sensitive person and always was. I was brokenhearted because my dad didn't get anything but coal. Then too, my mom seemed to be GLAD it happened! I hugged my dad all day to try to make him get over his disappointment. I lived for years of believing in Santa, with a tainted thought that my poor dad was hurt on that Christmas day.

Of course, by the time I was say two or three years older, I understood that this was one of the many ways my mom and dad had fun with their children and taught us a good lesson not be be selfish....... But I made sure that when I had children I was careful not to upset their childhood memories with such a prank. That's my story.
Oh you guys....I'm crying here!

I am hoping and praying that we are smack dab in the middle of our best Christmas so far. My husband keeps getting stronger and we're hoping when he's done with his anabolic cycle that we can go in and prove to this neuro that he was wrong and ask him to recind his hasty diagnosis! It will hopefully be our Christmas miracle that we've been praying for!

Other than that...it would be our first Christmas together 6 years ago...because we both feel we were FATED to be together.

Our first date was just before Christmas.

I have a friend in CA...both of us were single and sick of it...so we sat on the phone...each of us on Match.com...me looking for her...she looking for me. She came across a profile and told me I just HAD to send a message to this man. It took a while to talk me into it, but I did it.

Within 15 minutes, I had an email back saying "I know who you are and I've been trying to meet you for MONTHS"....evidently....this was the guy that 2 different people at church had offered to set me up with as a blind date and it never came to fruition....he had tried to call me, but I had moved and had a new number.

Not only that, but within a couple of emails back and forth...he said "WAIT..I DO know who you are...you're the blonde that sits on the left side of church toward the back with the little blonde daughter"....and I responded...."WAIT...you're the guy that does the music at that mass?".....

We had been staring at each other for about 6 months and I never had the courage to approach him...and he never found the time while he was setting up for mass.

My girlfriend in CA had NO clue who this guy was when she told me to write to him based on his profile decription!

It was meant to be.

Our 5th wedding anniversary is right around the corner!
What a story ... when "the universe, karma," whatever decides two people should be together, it doesn't mess around! Bless you both!
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