Hi Peter,
My dad used to have these terrible cramps at the time of his diagn. He does not have them any longer at all. Initally the doctor told him he should drink milk or take "tums..." (Imagine, the man goes to the hospital in pain, has no control in his hand, and is told to take tums!) 3 mos later he was diagn with onset als. He refused to take any drugs, and has been using supplements and vitamins, instead. He is not taking calcium, as often with als it is the inability to properly process calcium in the muscle cells that causes the cramps. Lack or drainage of magnesium most certainly will provoke cramps, so perhaps you can try and see how much of calcium is in your diet and if you have enough magnesium to balance it. His diet includes natural high supply of calcium (cheese, yogurt, milk, protein shakes-which are rich in calcium/potassium, etc.) so he takes a liquid shot of magnesium, which keeps things in balance and is of great help for the proper muscle function. Also, A LOT OF WATER. NO SODAS OF ANY KIND.