Just some opinions please

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New member
Aug 22, 2016
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Here goes, Hello I'm a 31 yr old female who is in a bit of a state and hoping someone can help me to see if I'm going over the top.

Past medical history of leukaemia and an anxious person always have been always will be.
Anyhow end of July I began to feel like it was hard to speak like my tongue felt weird although can move it around like normal fast forward to current date which takes us too about 9 weeks later I have just been having a sensation of finding it hard to talk even though there is no slurring or anything my husband can hear.
It's been present in some description everyday although I can hear nothing about my voice has changed just the sensation from my tongue.
Do you think anxiety could be doing this? The GP didn't really offer much help really.
I have no problems swallowing and tongue looks normal to me.
I am that scared I have being throwing up everyday and very distressed about the whole thing.
Thanks in advance.
Han, you are not describing ALS. I would see your doctor and tell him about your symptoms and your anxiety. Let him diagnose you.

Since you seem like reasonable person...I will tell you to stay away from Doctor google. There are way to many diseases that come up when searching symptoms. When someone already has anxiety, searching the net for the cause can really be bad.

Be happy that you really don't need to be here and see a doctor. We aren't doctors here either. We are here for support with a diagnosed and horrible disease. Trust me, we all wish that we doesn't need to be here.

Good luck. I hope to never see you here again. I say that with a very sincere heart.
Thank you so much for your reply I appreciate it.
It's a case off I felt something I googled it (very stupid ) and lead me to this
I'm embarrassed to be feeling this way and just wanted some advice which I kindly got
So basically with the bulbar form a funny feeling tongue isn't how it is? I promise that is all i want to know, and I won't post again. Thankyou
What I am trying to tell you is that there are a lot of things that it can be. You told me that you have always been anxious, you googled your symptoms and your doctor did not seem alarmed. I am sure when you googled a lot of conditions came up. You chose one of the worst diseases anyone can have. Since we are not doctors we can't diagnose you. This disease is not a disease that we want to tell you inaccurately that you have.

If you take any meds, have any anxiety than that could be a simple cause for your symptom. You should make an appointment, explain your issues and listen to your doctor but coming to this forum will only cause more anxiety. Trust me when I say that everyone who really has to be here wishes they didn't. This is a support forum for a fatal disease without a known cure.

I wish you a wonderful life. Now the rest is up to you. Maybe one day you can donate to the ALS cause and help to find a cure.
Thanks best wishes to you x
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