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Sep 28, 2013
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Ok. So I will preface this by saying that I did have 3 clean EMG's in the past month... No fasics, no fibs, no nothing. I'd also like to add that I have had every blood test done and its been pretty much normal... With slightly low potassium and my B-12 was on the lower end of normal.

I have had twitches randlomly all over, and now I'm getting small aches ( kind of crampish). Last night I was getting on my bed and when I went to put pressure on my knee it kind of felt crampish. Like I needed to go back and straighten it. But a few seconds later it was fine. I also have felt a weird kind of ache under my chin... Right where my glands are. I have been to an ENT and he did say my glands were large and my sinus' are swollen... He also stated I have a lot of sinus drainage but since I'm still nursing I can't take any of the heavier allergy medicine.

So I know that I may sound like a huge hypochondriac, but now I feel everything and think it relates to ALS. I don't want to waste your time but I'd appreciate your advice...
Could my emg have been done too early?! Could I have bulbar?!
You've had 3 clean emg's. That's pretty much a guarantee that you don't have als. Have a great weekend :)
I think you are fine. Sinus problems are a pain and I know. I have a couple more days of antibiotics to finish for a sinus infection. When you are fretting and worrying everything seems hypersensitive and you notice every little thing about your body.

Try and relax and take care of that baby. Enjoy it, they grow up too fast. Take care.
Lol! Thank you.... I am just hypersensitive! I wish I could just turn my hypersensitivity off. I was doing good then I had that darn cramp in my knee and then BOOM it was like it all came back!

My worries about my emgs stem from the fact that I had them all within 3 months of my symptom onset. But all three didn't show anything and my Dr. Did it... But my dumb fear!
My last post went to moderation... Thank you for your responses!
I have a sinus infection right now! It is that time of guess is you have a virus which is making you feel achy/crampy and your sinus infection is causing the weird feeling you have near your glands. Also, are you breastfeeding? I got cramps when I did because I was dehydrated. They went away after I stopped breastfeeding. If you are still worried go to your GP. I would say 3 clean EMG's would point towards a sinus infection more than MND for your symptoms at the moment but I am not a neuro :)
You know what I don't drink nearly enough water... Today I've only had 2 or 3 Dp's.... I may just need to load up on water! Thank you!
And yes I am Breastfeeding... My hubby thinks I'm vitamin deficient bc of me nursing. I just can't bring myself to stop. (She's more than likely my last baby... I say more than likely bc my son was supposed to be my last then we found out I was pregnant with my Bella) I had horrible food poisoning in July and that day was when my twitching started.
Yep, you may be vitamin deficient also from breast feeding..When I had my leg cramps from breast feeding it was years before my twitching started and it totally resolved after I stopped breastfeeding. I was totally dehydrated and vitamin deficient because I was pumping too. I had the worst leg cramps and I started to drink water, sleep more and ate a few bananas to replace the potassium and it made a big difference! Good luck, also chicken soup is good while breast feeding also. Has anyone mentioned BFS to you? You may have that because of the muscle twitching..if your emg's are normal you may want to ask your doctor about it. Good luck :)
I know for sure my potassium has been low a couple of times... I went to the ER twice and both times I was low on my potassium. One Dr. Said I needed to start taking a vitamin bc some of my vitamin levels were low but he didn't say which ones I was low on besides potassium. Ill try to drink extra water. How long did you breastfeed?! My baby is 16 months... And I was way better at drinking water last year. I started slacking this summer. :0/ ill try the chicken soup too! My dr did day he thought my fasciculation's were benign but didn't really say BFS... They are also checking my metals in my system. We're you twitching while you were breastfeeding as well?! My husband tells me he thinks that's why I'm twitching is bc I never quit breastfeeding even when I had food poisoning I still would pump and dump. He thinks its just my body being thrown out of whack bc of my food poisoning and continuing to nurse. :0/

I know my clean emgs are a good sign... But I was worried I didn't wait long enough. From what I've read I would have had more going on even before my twitching started. Plus my twitches are pretty much body-wide and that is also a good sign. It's just frustrating bc I've NEVER been this way before... I'm usually not such a hypochondriac... Although I am a bit of a germ freak. I guess the anxiety thing could be true but it's just hard to accept because I'm not doing anything to make myself twitch... I guess it would be easier to accept if there was concrete evidence that anxiety is the culprit for my symptoms. I guess I just have to have faith that everything is ok.
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