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Cindy Sandilands

New member
Feb 20, 2009
Loved one DX
Hello, my name is Cindy and my Mom was just diagnosed last Wednesday. Needless to say, we are devestated and looking for answers. My mom starting experiencing pain in her right foot about 4 years ago and it started getting worse and then she starting having problems lifting her foot. Last year she was diagnosed with drop foot, but the weakness in her leg seemed to be getting worse. Other than that, she has no other symptoms as of yet. We are seeking a second opinion, and I was wondering if anyone else has experience with this and if they feel it is worth it. I don't think my mom had an EMG and my understanding is that it is a very important test in diagnosing. We just have so many questions and are still in a bit of shock. We are not sure what to expect with progression, or what sorts of things we can do to possibly slow down the progression. Any advice?

Thank you so much
Hi Cindy. I'd be getting a second opinion at an ALS Clinic. A good friend of mine was diagnosed with similar symptoms as your moms and told he had ALS. 3 Neuro's later they now tell him he has spinal stenosis. He was seen by the top Neuro's in Toronto and it took a couple of years to figure it out. Don't be counting her out yet.

hang in there

Hi Cindy. I'd be getting a second opinion at an ALS Clinic. A good friend of mine was diagnosed with similar symptoms as your moms and told he had ALS. 3 Neuro's later they now tell him he has spinal stenosis. He was seen by the top Neuro's in Toronto and it took a couple of years to figure it out. Don't be counting her out yet.


hi cindy your not far from me ,I live in Rockyford alberta i was diagnosed with bulbar onsst als and see Dr Chris white at the foothills hospital and am hooked up with the als soceity in Calgary yjey are both great.Kind and caring and know there stuff.Anyways we are close so if you ever wanted to get together say the word ,getting this disease or in the diagnsing phase is tough and it helps to talk to peopl that are going thru this,I was the ambassedor for Bettys walk and run last year ,like i said contact me we are an hour away
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dont lose hope...
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