Joint popping

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Active member
Aug 11, 2008
San Diego
My EMG is not scheduled for 2 more weeks and for the past 5 days, my knees have been popping like crazy. I've also had more popping in my shoulders and elbows, but my knees are the worst. Oh, and my ankles have been popping occasionally. Is joint popping an early symptom? I'm trying not to focus to much on it, but they seem to be popping constantly.
Knees popping response


Sounds like a musculo-skeletal issue to me. I do not think is ALs.

Appears you are going thru the correct steps to find out what is bothering you.

The waiting is so hard on people. Especially us Americans who have TV controllers and ATM's!

God Bless,


Do you mean cracking like if you squat your knees pop or crack?


Anytime I stand up from a sitting position, they pop...especially after squats. My hips have been cracking too. Should I be concerned about ALS?
I have that popping and my neuro said its because of muscle loss around the joints
But would it happen so suddenly? I don't have any weakness. One day I just woke up with my ankles, knees, elbows, hips, and shoulders cracking. I can't see any atrophy.
That kind of stuff doesn't usually happen suddenly. I think you'd notice weakness as well before.

Thank you Al. Wouldn't it normally also just start in one limb and then slowly progress to other limbs? I do have muscle twitching everywhere, but it has improved greatly.
HI Kristin,

I had alot of joint popping and cracking a month or so ago. I noticed it all the time. Recently I have not heard it as much, I still have it but not to the degree that I once did, or maybe I am use to and dont notice. (however, I notice everything).

I think sometime you have to give things a little time and see if they get worse or better. or the same.

Good luck with emg

Yes Kristin usually things just start in one limb. Starting in a bunch of places would make me think not ALS.

Hi AL,

what do you think about starting in one limb and then going weak in alot of areas?
If you go by what Pat said you'd have had weakness for quite a while in all the limbs where you've been popping. I don't think yours is the same as hers. Maybe the Neuro can explain it. I never had it myself.

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