Johnnyd has past.

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Active member
Oct 6, 2003

My name is Vanessa Arangio. My father John, aka Johnnyd, posted here. I am not sure how frequently he posted, or how many of you spoke to him, but I felt the need to inform.

My father passed away just over a week ago, on June 23. He was 42. He fought his battle with ALS for five years and sadly took the same fall as Goliath.

He was a great man and will be missed by many. Thank you to anyone who kept his spirits high and his heart content.

I am 17 and I was 12 when my dad was diagnosed therefore I feel that for any young people posting on here that I would be able to assit them with any questions they may have. Anyone in general with questions is free to e-mail me at [email protected]

Thank you once again and God Bless.

~Vanessa Arangio

Hello Vanessa, I am so sorry for the loss your family has suffered.

It was very thoughtful of you to post and let us know. You Father gave support and inspiration to many. His spirit and humour came out in his posts and I found him to be witty and also down to earth, he did not sugar coat this awful disease, he told it like it is, he is a true hero.

My sincerely condolences to you and your family. Jane
Dear Vanessa,

I "spoke" to your father on many, many occasions. We shared a lot of laughs, gave each other lots of support and shared information. I will miss him horribly. He was a true fighter in every sense of the word. The world has lost a kind, gentle, caring soul that suffered too much. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. I always told your dad to "stay strong", and now , I will pass those words on to you.

My sincerest condolences, Carol Deboer

Dear Vannessa,
So sorry to hear about your dad. I read a lot about him on the forum and he seemed to have formed a lot of good freindships. It seemed like there were three muscetteers, Johnny, Fischer and Carol and they were always bantering away about something or other. I can only say with time comes peace so I wish you and your family condolences and sympathy and the time for all of us to pray for you so you will have peace in your family soon.
Sincerely Kim Crozier
ALS About Loving Someone
Hi Vanessa:
Your father and I also had a running conversation over the pst few months , much about his beloved Leafs. As fellow Italians, we shared a few laughs about our heritage as well.
My kids were about your age when my wife passed away over 3 years ago and its funny how well they coped with the loss. Looking after John as you did is a tough assignment for a teenager, but it will prepare you well for what lies ahead. University or college, or whatever is in store for you the next year or two is not going to be as tough an assignment as what you've already accomplished. Be proud of what you've done already... I'm sure "Downtown" is.
Our best wishes to your Mom too.
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