It's been 1 year...still no idea. Maybe a viral infection?

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just me

New member
Jan 18, 2008
Hello, all.

In January 2008, I suddenly began twitching all over.

I underwent EMG/NCV in February 2008, and nothing was noted except for slight carpal tunnel.

The twitching persisted, however (and it still does almost daily - generalized twitching, with a few persistent spots), and my hands and wrists developed noticeable atrophy. I also developed speech and swallowing problems, although these are inconsistent (I have trouble with a few words and sounds, and sometimes I choke on food, to the point where I cough it up from my air way).

I have noticed no loss of strength. What I have noticed is that my neck pops and crackles terribly, often with every movement, and respiration. My shoulders clunk and pop a lot as well. For the most part, this is all painless. I sometimes feel terribly dizzy and my ears pop, like I am in a rapidly descending airplane. I have noticed that I break out in painful red boils, especially on my scalp and neck. I had xrays and an MRI of my neck and all was said to be normal.

All this weird stuff has been going on for several years now (neck popping, etc) although the twitching and atrophy began a year ago - the twitching and swallowing problems still continue, but the atrophy seems to have stopped for now (and is localized to my hands), and I still have good coordination and motor skills.

Because of the passage of time and clean EMG/NCV, my neuro doubts that it is ALS, and so do I.

Have any of you ever heard of such a weird collection of symptoms? Could I have some sort of viral infection which is causing all this?

Any and all replies welcome and appreciated!
I was wondering how you were.. I think a viral infection could be to blame, or a combination of a number of things not so sinister as ALS.. Good to hear you are hanging in. That is really great that you do not have weakness with the atrophy, and that has stopped. Sometimes we never ever can figure out what was wrong, and sometimes things do not progress any further..
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