Itchy skin

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I live on Benadryl but it does not work well enough to control this.
Lee doesn't mind scratching the spots I can't reach most times. She just has no sense of direction for up a little or left a little. LOL.

Christine is the same way and tells me she doesn't mind scratching, good thing I can still talk! LoL.
haha Al, neither do I. I just give up and scratch G everywhere. Btw, I just noticed my post above. The word yapping. It should have read happening. My mobile ( iPhone) has a word select, and I sometimes don't proof read. Very bad habit. Although sometimes quite funny. Like my phone has a sense of humor.
Which is better than my humor these last few days. :)
Well if you need to talk you know my number.

Hi All,
I am new to this forum. And, my mom has been itchy for years and they have told her it is just dry skin, well, she was diagnosed with ALS in March of this year and now I think these symptoms have gone on for a long time. Ex: her slurring was noticed by several a year ago ( I hadn't really noticed since I talk to her every day), she has been coughing for years and they have been saying it is post nasal drip. Well, I think this has been brewing for many years. I wish the doctors knew it too!
My husband had irritation and itching on his back when he was first diagnosed in Jan. I don't know if it was ALS related or not?. I was applying Cortaid and Benedryl Gel to his back about once or twice a day. I also started using Tide Free for laundry detergent. This all did seem to help the problem and has since gone away. I hope this helps some.
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