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I developed symptoms after a tetnus shot Pat
How did you happen to associate your symptoms with the tetanus shot? I mean how were you alerted to this possible relationship. I ask because we normally would not think to associate a tetanus shot with the beginning of neurological symptoms.

How long before you started to experience ALS symptoms from the time you received the shot? I believe your first symptoms were slurred speech? Take care.

I am going through the same symptoms, Has your Doc. Had a Thyroid Test, Magnesium and Calcium Test on you? These can cause the same symptoms! My brother also has ALS with no Familial History.

Let me know,

Great Question

I bcame very sick after my shot My head started to tingle for week after. my arm became very swollen and painful. I was a nurse at the time and read the insert that the vial came with and it said IN rare causes neuro problems can develope I am sure you can get the insert on the internet.Great Question WHO DEVEOPLED SYJMPTOMS AFTER TETNUS SHOT Pat

You became sick after the shot, but how long before you experienced symptoms that you knew to be ALS related?

It woud be nice to poll the members here to find out who developed symptoms after a tetanus shot.
vmd said:
Since there are millions of people who have tetanus shots and we know that ALS is a rare disease, this would mean that if a tetanus shot was involved in the development of ALS, there would have to be other contributing factors. I did read a report, however, that showed a tetanus bacterium associated with neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy shares many symptoms with ALS. Others are hypothesizing that if the tetanus bacterium is related to motor neuron disorders, then strong antibiotics may be helpful in the treatment of these disorders.

Out of curiosity, how many people on these baords who have been diagnosed with ALS or are waiting for a diagnosis had a tetanus shot shortly before the start of their symptoms?
Go to tetnus shot package insert Very interesting stuff
about a year later
Why worry about the unknown?

:) Kris: you can worry yourself nuts about the unknown or you can get on with life till you find out one way or the other.. I have als and I can tell you itsw no walk in the park, but how you react to the disease is strictly up to you. You can have the illness but it cannot have you unless you allow it. Take joy in the little victories each day and dont sweat the failures let you friends and family share in your efforts, those that care understand...those that dont, dont matter....wm
Kris- I am in the same boat as you. I have had symptoms for over a year now. Exactly 12 months ago my neurologist told me my symptoms were consistent with ALS and he said "you are a very sick woman." We sought a second opinion at the ALS clinic and they say they cannot tell since my emg's are clean. My symptoms get mildly worse but not enough that anyone could see with the naked eye so I am holding off going back until something dramatic happens. I refuse to worry. It is not the way I want to live. I want to enjoy my life and do all I can, while I can. When I start to feel sorry for myself, I recall the PALS on this forum that can no longer use their arms or legs.

Thank you for terming it "strength." I am not sure it is strength, as much as being very practical. Thanks for the compliment, though. Cindy
I agree Capt. Willy

Take joy in the little victories each day and dont sweat the failures let you friends and family share in your efforts, those that care understand...those that dont, dont matter....wm
Good advice. For me, the difficult part is putting this advice into practice.

By the way, I am going to start the tetanus thread in the "General Discussion" section to see if we get more hits over there. Anyway, the idea that a bacteria may be responsible for some forms of ALS is an interesting idea.
About the tetanus shots.....I find this very interesting because I had a tetanus shot quite awhile before my severe symptoms started, but two weeks after I had it I developed lymphedema which is a rare side effect of tetanus. Every gland in my head was swollen and extremely tender. I felt achy and fluish. Very interesting.
How could we prove this ?This is scarry I will never have anyone I love have a tetnus shoy ever.And one of my neuro kind of blew me off too when I mentioned it Maybe we should go public with this PAt
It's a mystery to me what they decide to research and why. I'd love to know, for example, if anyone ever studied wether or not there is a link between tetanus or any kinds of shots and ALS. And if enough people come forward to say they believe there is a connection to their shot and their DX, who would we get to research this? We may be on to something, folks. Can our forum (you know who you are) find out how we get a major lab or university to look into our hypothesis? Just a thought...Cindy
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