Is ALS this fast?


New member
Dec 16, 2024
Learn about ALS
Sunset beach
Hello, everyone - New here...
Well, I'm not sure what to think about if I have ALS or not... I will have an EMG in Jan 2025
I know ALS is fast ( in some cases) but how fast?
In June, 2024 I was normal, in fact packed a U-haul truck, did a lot of wiring up and down the ladder, used chain saw to trim my trees...
This was June 29th... By July 4th, I notice very difficult to walk, and right arm weak and shaking when I went to brush my teeth, or comb my hair..
By July 10th, I couldn't even hold a pen to write well...
Over the next 6 months (today), I walk fine, but right arm is pretty weak and left is getting that way... Over the last week, I'm noticing my arms twitching a lot... and once in a while my legs... Now all that said... I went for a MRI and CT scan, it shows every disc in my neck (c1-t2) bulging... When I research this, I can tie symptoms to each one.. but... BUT... In March 2024, I got slammed from behind in a car accident and now I'm not sure If its delayed reaction from that or, something else.
I went to the neurologist who gave me a quick check, like if I walked normal, make the "OK" sign, spread my fingers, etc.. All worked fine, except I have no arm strength
Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? I mean, If its ALS, all this in just 3 weeks? (June 29th - July 10th)
Ultra aggressive ALS is rare and even that would not affect your legs and arm together and your legs wouldn’t improve. Also the only cases I have heard of that had dramatic change in a few weeks were genetic and those people all died within 3 months so nothing like you

This sounds related to your neck. Were you referred to orthopedics or neurosurgery
Thank you for that comment and I was sort of thinking the same thing. When I did go to the ER, (July) 23... The ER doc said; "You know having weakness isn't an an emergency" oO Amazing, so I said, weakness in both arms and can hardly walk?! But anyway, yes today I'm walking normal, no pain (never had any real pain anyway) and I was thinking same thing you said... I guess I was looking more for a "sanity check" than a diagnosis. Everything works, meaning I have all my dexterity, movement, etc. but It's like I'm fighting gravity when I go to say, reach into my shirt pocket, I can't get my arm higher than my waist, but if I'm laying down, (no gravity), then no problem. I do appreciate this page, and hope for the best come Jan. Thank you again. I'm learning a lot here.