Inspirational song inspired by ALS

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Apr 24, 2003
A gentlemen wrote me with a song he composed; I've posted all the information here:

The song is titled: All Living Souls

I promised David Koren that I'd setup a thread so that he could get feedback about the song.

If you like or dislike the song, can relate or not relate to it, please put your feedback here :)

If you don't like his singing voice please keep in mind that he openly admits he's no singer; and his first language isn't English.

I personally like the tune :) I had to listen to it quite a few times while creating the website page (to make sure things were working)...and, well...I can't get the tune out of my head now :)
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I hope it is okay to say how I truly feel about the song. I personally found the song to be very very sad. As I listened to the song I felt like I was out in the middle of the ocean all alone in the dark, high winds pounding all around and a strong pressure of pain and sorrow, it hurts to let oneself feel the depth of this disease. Songs of hope are much needed, the rainbows need to come out after the storms.

I think I agree, some of the words aren't very encouraging...

Another member wrote to me privately and said they didn't like it, just not enough hope and hapiness in the song.

Hopefuly this is all good feedback for Mr. Koren
ALS Song

I think people have missed the point of this song
This song is not really about hope.
By hope i mean that a person who has miserable life has hope that this situation might change and his life will be better and thats what keeps his desire to live. This actually means that theoretically if he knew that there is 100% certainty that his life will stay the same as they are now - then there is no happiness in his life and maybe no desire to live

This is actually the basic argument of those who promote euthanasia.

What i learned from my uncle and this is what i admire about him - that he is happy with the way he is. NOT that he doesnt suffer tremendously or that he wouldnt whatever he could to change the situation. but still he is happy NOW and he still wants to live.

His current situation is that the only part of his body that he can move are his eyes -and thats how he communicates to the world. He has not seen any miracles and his physically situation keeps on deteriorating as it says in the books.
The only miracle he has seen was that although his life expectancy was 3 years he is now living over 10 years in this situation. I believe that this is due to his desire to live
even in his situation.

I once asked him directly - are you happy ? do you want to live? and he answered yes.
He asked me why are you so surprised? I see on the street a lot of people who are completely healthy but they are very miserable - each for his own reason. And i have a lot of reasons to be happy about.
I must confess that i personally dont understand this but i am quoting from him.

The point of this song is to show that happiness is a matter of attitude to life and not a result of a situation. People should know that life itself is something precious that should be cherished and that at all situations there is a possibility to make the most out of life , to be happy with what you have and not loose the will to live

David Koren
Thank you for explaining the song. I do understand the song. With the many struggles in life one can be happy even though they have many problems. Sometimes it only takes a kind word to make someone feel happy within. The song brought sadness when I read it. I respect and admire the strength he is showing to go on. This illness is horrible and sometimes I cannot find the words to describe the pain. He does describe his pain in the song. I think for me music is a way of expressing life, whether it be happy or sad. I personally at this point would like to hear a song written that gives hope of rainbows for tomorrow. The tears flow frequently and if I sit and listen to a song that I know is very sad I want to leave that song and listen to something that will bring inspiration and hope. This is just my own feelings, I do wish you all the best with the song. My husband and I have been singing for many years and music is part of us, for all the tomorrows ahead we want to focus on uplifting songs that will give us strength to go on.
Thank you for sharing.

Hope and Sandy.
Mr. Koren,
I've waited for feedback from some others to see if they felt the same about the song. I did not want to upset you or offend you by any comments I may have, but the song was not one I would listen to on a regular basis.

As You see I use a rainbow for an avatar. That rainbow is a symbol to me of God's promise of hope for a better tomorrow, after this life. Without that hope I could not bear the daily pain I have to face due to several disease processes along with ALS.

My rock, my foundation, my faith, and my hope is built on nothing less than the belief that God has a plan for all our lives, and every day, EVERY DAY, He has something planned for us to do. Even if it's to mediate and pray for others.

My focus has to be on the outside. Looking at how I can help and influence others to better understand their situation in life and prepare for the transition to the next life.

EVERYONE is going to die of something eventually. We have been lucky enough, not the best choice of words, to have time to prepare for the end. We did not die of a heart attack, a car wreck, etc. We have TIME.....Now what are we going to do with it?

I myself do not want to look inside and tell the world how miserable I am and how much I hurt, I want to look out at a lost and dying world and give it a hand up. Give it HOPE, FAITH, and LOVE.

That is what I want people to remember me for doing when I am gone.

God Bless
Capt. AL
Captain Al,
Bravo, couldn't have said it better. Have a blessed day and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
MtPockets said:
Mr. Koren,
I've waited for feedback from some others to see if they felt the same about the song. I did not want to upset you or offend you by any comments I may have, but the song was not one I would listen to on a regular basis.

As You see I use a rainbow for an avatar. That rainbow is a symbol to me of God's promise of hope for a better tomorrow, after this life. Without that hope I could not bear the daily pain I have to face due to several disease processes along with ALS.

My rock, my foundation, my faith, and my hope is built on nothing less than the belief that God has a plan for all our lives, and every day, EVERY DAY, He has something planned for us to do. Even if it's to mediate and pray for others.

My focus has to be on the outside. Looking at how I can help and influence others to better understand their situation in life and prepare for the transition to the next life.

EVERYONE is going to die of something eventually. We have been lucky enough, not the best choice of words, to have time to prepare for the end. We did not die of a heart attack, a car wreck, etc. We have TIME.....Now what are we going to do with it?

I myself do not want to look inside and tell the world how miserable I am and how much I hurt, I want to look out at a lost and dying world and give it a hand up. Give it HOPE, FAITH, and LOVE.

That is what I want people to remember me for doing when I am gone.

God Bless
Capt. AL

Wow,, how wonderful t hear my words,, come out of your mouth. I find you a very inspiring person,, keep up the good work.

Love and Prayers
I could not get the song to play on my computer, but I read the words and was touched by them. I feel it is a very honest song, that it acknowledges the despair many of us feel sometimes in our lives, yet we find the reason to keep living in the love we share and the communication with people around us. The gift of life is precious no matter what the condition. After reading the article about Dr. Koren's life with ALS, I feel even more strongly that my father, who is 84 and has this disease, should be given his options for life assistance and allowed to make his own decisions. Some medical professionals and social workers have implied that he probably wouldn't want a ventilator, because after all he is an old man and doesn't have many years anyway. I believe this attitude is presumptuous. My father should have the right to choose any assistance he feels will help him so long as he still wants to live. If he feels his time has come to leave life and his loved ones then that should be his right also.
Doesn't have too many years left? Tell that to my 92 year old dad and my friends 96 year old father. Both still living on their own with family doing grocery shopping for them. Too often the medical community just writes off old people or even we with ALS. We shouldn't stand for it. Tell them they have no right to say what my quality of life is. It's my life. Let me live or die as I choose. AL.
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