In never rainsbut it pours

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Senior member
Jan 10, 2016
In need of a vent at the moment. Mostly because I am in the wrong and know it.

I have had a lump on my breast for a few months, my husband found out at the weekend and insisted on seeing the doctor, the doctor was very frank and said she thinks it's probably breast cancer and is trying to get a mammogram and biopsy scheduled quickly. We were all a tad shellshocked for a couple of days.

My close friends and family are a bit Cross with me and I feel guilty for upsetting them, but I kind of didn't want to know. From my point of view it doesn't change anything, the end game is still the same. I am not likely to agree to chemo or radiotherapy as I don't want to deal with side effects when my time is limited anyway.

So I have all the hassle of extra tests that I don't want but am going through because my family want me to. I hate putting them through more, and hate the fact that they want me to do it.

Feeling ratty and tearful not my usual way of dealing with stuff.

Thanks for letting me vent

Wendy xx
Wendy I am very sorry. I understand completely I hope if it is cancer the doctors will be supportive of your choice and help your family to accept that you are opting for quality of life.

You are in my thoughts and prayers
Thank you Nikki, it's nice to know someone understands.......
Wendy- Sorry you are going through this. If it's not one thing, it's another, eh? Add in a loss of autonomy, where people are insisting (because they love and care about you) that you do things you're not entirely prepared or eager to do and it becomes quite burdensome. Once you get your tests and results, you'll be better able to make an informed decision and weigh the pros and cons of pursuing radical treatment, should you need it.

I wish you the best.

Re: In never rains but it pours

Sorry to hear this news, Wendy. You're in charge, so at whatever point you decline "curative" treatment, you might ask to be referred to the palliative care section at the hospital. There, they are used to hearing about and can help you preserve with maximum comfort the kind of lines you may wish to establish for what you will and will not do relative to your tumor, if indeed that's what it is.

Dear Wendy
I would feel the same in your shoes. Unfortunately your family have some degree of denial of the ALS diagnosis from their reaction to the breast lump. Not that this makes you feel different about investigation of this new problem. Hopefully you can not resent them, but understand them, and help them find peace.
Thank you all for your comments and support, I really appreciate it.

Hugs Wendy.

As a past CALS I get what you are saying and I feel I would be the same. But regardless I'm so strongly pro-choice. Your body - your choice. I do believe there is a layer where it's both partners that should discuss all aspects, and then family should discuss. But if this had been Chris I would have been supporting whatever he chose.

I can understand not bringing up the lump.

We get it, and it sucks, so you can only choose whatever is for you the better of a bad bunch of choices.
Sending you Wendy all the love and support. One day at a time.
Love ya
Thanks Tillie and Chally

Yep one day at a time x
Wendy, soldier on......soldier on and keep fighting.
All my wishes
Yep, it's always something. I went through 37 radiation treatments for prostate cancer after I was diagnosed with ALS.
I was tasked with the decision to go through radiation or just let everything run it's course. The urologist said I would have about eight years before the cancer got me. It was a race!
I chose radiation because it was easy and painless.
The worst side effect I had was fatigue. But I was already fatigued so it didn't matter!
And, no more cancer!
Good luck Wendy!
Sending prayers and hugs, Wendy. I hope that you find peace with whatever decision you make.
Totally your call Wendy. For the record, I would not treat it either. I want to scream for yo, NOT FAIR a hundred times.

Love and hugs to you my fellow warrior.
So Sorry, Wendt, You are in our thoughts, Hugs, Hugs, Hugs.
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