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You got it spot on, hit the nail on the head, and all those other type sayings. I SO get it. Some of us have been so abandoned by the "real" people in our lives...that's why we come here! Yes, this forum is one of the only places some of us have to give and receive. However, it is a very lonely and isolated place to be, when one's "real" people disappear. It really sucks when we do come here, and then are judged, and made to feel guilty for getting our feelings out. BTW, that's exactly why I try not to "vent" on here. Oh well, I loved both of your posts, and feel much the same. Just wanted to tell you, I get it.

VENT AWAY! We all need to do it sometimes, we all feel sorry for our situations sometimes, and sometimes we need to see that someone else is saying what we're feeling.

I think it goes without saying that all of us here support each other and find support from each other... and Kel, I'm constantly amazed at your knowledge in the newbies section giving advice.

The only thing that sucks about this forum is when we lose someone, but I feel honored to know all of you anyway... it's worth the pain. It's been a tough week for all of us, let's hope that the coming one is a better one.
Thank you for everyone who has responded, vented with, or challenged me to think differently about my situation. I will truly take all of it with me, and I hope that in the post you have been helped in some way as well.

Love to all...
My next door neighbor in my new neighborhood told another neighbor that I keep asking for her to drop by to see my husband and she doesn't want to see him lying in bed! Guess what, I'm not EVER asking her to come over in this lifetime (mine or his). Why even ask me how he's doing since she doesn't want to know.

I had another girlfriend from my former school where I worked who told me that she was too busy to come visit. Again, she will never be contacted again.

But other friends would move heaven and earth to help. So there it is.

We are your friends on this Forum because we do truly understand.

Just can't believe some people's reactions.
People are scared, inconsiderate and stupid.

And then there are the ones who show up – not knowing what to say either, but making the effort regardless. That makes up for the former.
Don't feel bad, Kell. I'm 51 and count my friends on one hand. Family i all dead but my daughter--wh0o simply doesn't want to think about sick mom.

in the end--come here and rant--and try not to expect more than people are capable of giving, I guess. I'm all for self-preservation these days. I have to be--I know myself too well.
That made me laugh so hard! I have had a similar life but not to that extent for sure. When i was 16 my mo left and i lived in an apartment and had a job and went to school. I weighed 80 pounds and would buy cigs because they would last longer than one friends were buying prom dresses and talking about fun things and I would borrow money so i could eat and they got tired of it, so i would stay back in class starving. I had areal heavyweight teacher who came in with her lunch and saw me sitting there and told me "you have problems!" She thought i was anorexic but i was starving and had this i hate the world look. I lost all my friends from complaining too much and learned to hold everything in and say I'm fine, how about you? Until my emotions took control (pseudobulbar affect) I cant fake anything! So now I am going with it! Thank God for this forum because if I divulged all these troubles everyday people would run when they saw me :)................................... I so feel connected to you but let me say, I have had a million other things and I am starting to think maybe this is the life I was so suppose to survive........ Bless you and I will pray and curse out anyone you want me to ;)
Wow Sam. I know you're not complaining now, just telling your story and what a story. i'm so glad you made it here! QAnd so sorry your journey was so hard. I wish I could gove you a huge hug for real Sweet Sammantha. {{{{{you}}}}}
Samantha, what a heart wrenching story. Bet you are one strong lady, a warrior princess like our Di ( notgivnup)
I would imagine people wouldn't run away. You are the sort of lady I would run to.
Wow Samantha you could be in the Hunger tough lady:)
Sam you are one tough cookie!...time to find your Warrior Avatar Pic!.......:-)
Di's right Sam, find an avatar that goes along with your warrior status.
Oh, my! Yes, we've all been here. The down and out friend that I had, who had one hardship after another, and I listened and helped and did anything I could to help, said to me, "Oh God! What is it NOW?" when I was trying to tell her about my DHs diagnosis. I told her, nevermind, it wasn't important, and I've not made the effort to contact her since.

Some people are givers, and some are takers. That's not good or bad. Just know who you are, and realize who they are and carry on accordingly.

We are all here for you, in any way you need. Please let us help, even if it's just to listen and say "I understand."

I have/had a friend like that too. It's exhausting to maintain a friendship like that so I just happily don't.
Well said, Shelly!
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