I'm scared I have bulbar onset

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Hello again,

I just got my MRI results in and they state the following:

Report Exam:
MR Brain w/wo Contrast Reason for exam: ALS work-up Findings: The axial T2 FLAIR images demonstrate symmetric mildly increased signal hyperintensity in the posterior limbs of the internal capsules bilaterally corresponding to the cortical spinal tracts. This appearance can be seen with ALS. No associated DWI signal hyperintensity or gadolinium enhancement. Intracranial contents otherwise normal. No mass effect, midline shift, hydrocephalus or abnormal gadolinium enhancement. Nothing for MS or infarction. The major arteries appear grossly patent. Paranasal sinuses clear.

Report Exam:
MR C Spine w/wo Contrast Reason for exam:
ALS work-up Findings: Mild diffuse congenital narrowing cervical spinal canal. No intraspinal neoplasm, infection or paraspinal pathology. No fracture. Cervical cord intrinsically normal. Widely patent foramen magnum.

C2-C3: Negative.
C3-C4: Negative.
C4-C5: Negative.
C5-C6: Midline disc protrusion, eccentric to the right, producing mild ventral cord deformity. No foraminal compromise.
C6-C7: Negative.
C7-T1: Negative.
T1-T2: Negative.

Is there any reason to hope with this? I've had neck pain for years, and most of the weakness is in my arms/hands as well as my speech being slow.

Thank you for your time.
Same as you I'm not a doctor and can't make anything of this, but I'll gladly hope with you.
Is there a follow-up scheduled to get your results explained?
Any luck yet for that 2nd opinon appointment in Salt Lake City?
I'm getting a referral tomorrow during my next appointment, so hopefully, they can get what they need and get me in ASAP. I haven't had any... worsening that I can identify in my current condition, but I'm scared every day that I'll wake up and something will be gone.
I don’t believe you can be diagnosed just from the mri. It is more supporting evidence. My mri showed different findings but said something like can be found in ALS but clinical correlation required. Unfortunately yours doesn’t seem to present another explanation which is what we always hope for. I am sorry things ate going the wrong way but I think you still have another emg and blood work? As well as the second opinion
Appointment tomorrow, good that they don't leave you hanging for long.

I understand you're scared. I'm quite sure there won't be any quick overnight surprises. If anything sleeping will always do your body good and help to recuperate from the obvious stress you're under.
Because of timezone differences I will say good night right away. Much strength for the day ahead!
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