I’m really scared, had a clear EMG and NCS

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Dec 31, 2024
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Hi all,

I’m fell bad posting this but my mental health is at rock bottom. I started having panic attacks 4 months ago, about two months after both my legs started twitching and feeling like something crawling under my skin on my legs. I’m in the uk and paid to see a private neurologist who tested my reflexes and checked my muscles, he said all is ok but will refer me for a EMG and NCS for reassurance, I had my EMG and NCS a couple of weeks later and the doctor who done the EMG test said it looks all good. Since then I’ve been getting pain and tingling in my legs and they feel week. Not sure what to think now, I’m so scared.
Hi Matt-

Read here: Read Before Posting. It explains that sensory issues point to something else. You have also had ALS ruled out via clinical exam and electrodiagnostic testing. If that doesn't reassure you, how can strangers on the internet do any better? Sounds like you need to take care of your health anxiety while you also work with your doctor to figure out what is causing your physical symptoms. We can't help you with either here though- as what you report does not sound like ALS.

Please return to your doctor if you have further questions about your health. Take care
Thank you, sorry I am just so worried. The pain and twitching hurts so much
Don't worry. This sounds nothing like any kind of MND. You should follow up with your doctor and get some blood work to check for deficiencies. Meanwhile, cut out caffeine, drink lots of water, get exercise, and eat healthy. Also, get restful sleep each night.
Hi all thank you for your response, just a letter from my Nero which is reassuring but I’m having muscle cramps in both legs and they feel weak. This would have shown up on my EMG if it was anything right?
It would have showed if your symptoms were ALS - also various other things as the emg can show many diseases and injuries. As you were told above both your symptoms and emg indicate you are in the wrong place here. As suggested return to your gp to find out what is still on the table. Forget about ALS
Thank you Nikki and thank you for replying. The twitching, muscle pain in legs and weakness when I walk is really getting to me. I’m going to listen to you and go back to the GP and forget about ALS, again thank you. I need to trust my EMG

My tongue just started twitching and now I’m even more scared. The twitching started in my legs which I had a EMG and was all good. Really worried about my tongue now. Regarding my leg weakness, it’s still there but I’m running one mile every morning to make sure I can.
Visiting a doctor will get you more appropriate and immediate answers than posting on a forum to strangers who really can not do anything for you. It is clear you are terrified of a disease that you have been repeatedly reassured you do not show signs of. You may need to change your approach here and deal with the thing that is causing you the most distress- your anxiety. This is not a dismissal of any physical symptoms you might have, but a recommendation you deal with the thing that is muddying the waters here- anxiety. Please work with your doctors, as they are in the best position to help you.
Thank you for replying, I have a neurologist appointment in a few weeks and will bring it up with him. Again thank you for replying, I’m working on my anxiety I really am, with a clear EMG on my legs which is where the twitching started I thought I could move on to find out what else is going on, then my tongue started which really scared me, sorry again.
Please let us know how your appointment goes. Until then, consider removing this forum from your places to visit. And, by working on your anxiety, I am hoping you mean you are seeking appropriate anxiety support from someone qualified and who can provide you tools to manage stress.

Please, no more posting til after your appointment.

All the best
Hi all, I do have an update from my Neurologist and I said I would post once I have an update. I have attached a letter what I received from my Neurologist, he blames it all on anxiety. My twitching and leg weakness got worse and now the leg pain is really bad for I saw another neurologist for a second opinion and this is what he said kind of saying it could be the antidepressants I’m on.

I really want to move on and trust these Neurologist but the twitching, leg weakness and leg pain really worry’s me and my gut says not to seek a 3rd opinion.

Here’s the report from my second neurologist

Previous diagnostic tests: EMG: reported normal Basic bloods, including CK: reported normal Neurological examination: Normal muscle bulk throughout Normal muscle tone No objective weakness Tongue examination: Mild tremulousness noted. This is dyskinetic. There is no tongue-wasting. Tongue movements are in a full range of movement with full strength The uvula is midline with normal pharyngeal elevation. There is no salivary pooling at the fauces. No neck flexion/extension weakness No fasciculations seen in clinic. Full limb power throughout with normal reflexes and downgoing plantar responses Summary: On balance, it seems likely that the current symptoms have been provoked by SSRI exposure. I would suggest a slow reduction in this to see if symptoms settle (it can take up to two to four weeks to see any improvement). If the symptoms do not improve, then I will repeat an EMG in six months (expecting it to be normal) and discuss Carbamazepine as a means of managing neuromuscular irritability in the interim (magnesium glycinate has not provided benefit for his symptoms). I explained the clinical examination effectively excludes a sinister cause for his symptoms

Thanks for returning to let us know the excellent news.

You've been pretty comprehensively cleared of ALS. It would be time to shelve that pursuit and start focusing on your health anxiety now. I can definitely cause physical symptoms. And anti-depressants/mood meds can also def cause odd symptoms. It stands to reason, as they affect brain chemistry/ nervous system. Finding someone who you can work with on tools to reduce anxiety (talk, meds) should probably be your next stop. Having a handle on that will make it easier for your doctor to tease out any cause for leg pain, etc. once you're not operating in crisis/high anxiety mode.

I will be closing this thread. I highly recommend you do not visit here while you pursue help for your anxiety. Reading threads and engaging here will only serve to keep ALS as a source of anxiety for you.

Please take care of yourself and all the best.
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