I'm going insane. Yet another post and question (short, I promise)

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Distinguished member
Oct 5, 2008
The twitching in my right calf will NOT stop. If anything it is getting more and more frequent, when I drive, when I type on the computer, when I stop walking, it's faster than a heart beat. This is going to make me nuts...Truly. I am going to ask for an anti-D when I see the doctor next time.

What are the twitches (sorry, fasciculations) like for you all? It's not painful just so incredibly annoying!
Hi there,

I have horrible twitching as well! it started in my feet then in my calves to! its all the time! i also have it in my stomach, back, neck, buttocks! and what freaking me right out...tongue

its gets worse with anxiety but it will go through times like my tongue now that is pretty constant for a while....i am scared of als

BUT the doctors tell me it is just anxiety related - and if your on this forum you have some anxiety to

one of the most common places to have twitching is actually in your calves!

and what everyone keeps telling me twitching without weakness or atophy is NOT indicative of als!

People have told me to check out BFS (Benign Fasciculation Syndrome) - harmless - pretty much just intense twitching caused by anxiety...many people who have bfs think they have als - which just causes the twitching to get even worse.

you should google bfs and check this out, i think it will help you realize that calf twitching without any other signs is very common and usually just from exercise, stress, anxiety etc.

So try to relax and not think about it (I KNOW how hard this is...people tell me the same all the time) but from what you have said I'm sure you are just a benign twitcher, like me, and this will all pass.
Hi, Jenn ... I don't have that many, but most of them I can't feel. If I stare at my left forearm long enough and hold it in different positions, I can see faint movements of several muscles, but there's no sensation.

I can feel ones in my left bicep and shoulder occasionally, but I just don't pay that much attention. It's like white noise in the background .... I couldn't tell you the last time I felt one ... 5 minutes? 30 minutes? whenever.

Sorry I can't be more help,
Jennifer, I think its just fine to call them twitches (as that's what fasciculations are). Some of mine I can feel, most I'm not aware of... maybe if I'm sitting there concentrating I would feel more, but many I just don't notice. The more active violent ones are of course about impossible to ignore and are incredibly annoying! I specifically asked the people down at Hopkins if the type of twitch (slow, fast, felt or un-felt) had any significance, and they have all said no. Hope this helps :)
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