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New member
Aug 4, 2018
Learn about ALS
Hello Everyone,

First I want to say thankyou to everyone on this forum that has been affected by this disease, whether they are a Pal, afamily member, or friend. Your strength makes you all gods amongst mere men.

2nd, if after reading my post, if you feel I shouldnt be here than tell me to get the hell out of here and you will never see me again.

My ordeal began on April 18th of this year with what I thought was an upper GI episode. Went to ER, they found nothing. Next day I began having a tingling sensation in my face, and then isolated twitches throughout my body.

I had an mri of my brain and cervical spine. it showed no leasions nut did show a lot of stenosis, both spinal and neural faromin (sic).

I then began to have issues with swallowing, not choking but thinhs werent working right.

I then began to have breathing issues where it feels like im not getting enough air and my lungs just wont expand like they once did.

And now my hands, feet, and calves IMO show signs of atrophy

I was a poster of good health. Ate right, (we all cheat), exercised regularly, drank little, and dint smoke.

To this day, im still having all the above issues and now im having headaches and my breathing has me tonthe point where ive gone to the ER four times but they see nothing.

Today I had my EMG on my right arm, right leg, and tongue at Northwestern in Chicago. The Dr. said my emg looked good and didnt show any denervation.

1) The tongue EMG should rule out bulber als and therefore my breathing issues shouldnt be connected tl that clean test?
2) If the arm and leg emg are clean then everything else should be ok?

Ultimately, then all my issues could be attributed to my poor cervical issues?

Finally, whatever Im dealing with has made me far more compassionate towards my fellow man and made me appreciate just how precious our gift of life is.

Thank you all
Yes and yes.

From afar, we can never say that all your issues are attributable to the cervical stenosis; that is a question for your neuro, as is the question about treatment options, that could include PT.

But it's the way to bet. And of course, anxiety makes it all worse.

Cervical stenosis can cause numerous symptoms, including the tingling you describe. I would recommend seeing a doctor for further evaluation and a more comprehensive analysis of this - like which nerves are affected and the correlated symptomatology. In severe cases of compression, the symptoms can be very debilitating.

You cannot objectively identify atrophy, and with what you describe I presume many doctors (4 visits to the ER!) have already examined you and did not mention atrophy, so, logically, you do not have apparent atrophy.

1) Your EMG evaluated 3 regions of the body - cervical, lumbar and bulbar. With all of them being clean further evaluation is not warranted, more specifically the thoracic region. If the symptoms persist a spirometry could be considered. Check with your PCP.

2) Yes. No alterations in a group of muscles of a region, presumably the ones your complaints stem from or the ones usually evaluated point away from any degenerative process.

Clean EMG rules out ALS.
Laurie, and Igorzillo,

Thank you both for your time. I do appreciate it. I wish you both nothing but the best and prayers are heading your way.

All the best to you as well. Be sure to get that stenosis checked out.

I have one final question. I apologize for any hypochondria that may arise from this. Insulting you or anyone with ALS is not my intention.

I have stated that I am having an issue with my breathing. I dont know if it is the lungs or the ability to bring in air.

I had an EMG that was clean in 3 areas, leg, arm, and bulbar. Should I be concerned about thoracic/respiratory onset? Or does having a clean emg of the 3 areas pretty much refute my concern?

Thank-you for your time,
“Or does having a clean emg of the 3 areas pretty much refute my concern? “

Yes — you’re clear :)
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