If You Could

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May 10, 2003
Point Edward
It's been a while so HI ALL new and old to the forum
Well it's been 2 months since my wife left me and boy has it been busy around here a whirl-wind of people in and out of here as the experts say I can't be left alone anymore not that I don't enjoy the company but a few hours to crank the tunes would be nice Seems like I barely have time to think now-a-days lol ,but when I do think I think about if suddenly I got better what would change in my life from before besides play more golf.that's a given.
For myself I think that not getting drunk would be my major change, not that I drank a lot even thou shortly after I had to stop Molson called to see what happen to me as sales were down and it wasn't that I didn't enjoy the good times or because of all the dumb-ass things I did. But the past 6 years dealing with ALS I've had time to reflect back on all the time I wasted being hung-over laying on the couch saying I'll never do that again (until my headaches gone) .

So people that's what I would change if I could, let's hear what would you change if anything; if you could!

Take Care
Jim Oliver
Spending more quality time with my family and friends.

Hi Jim

Hi Jim:

It sounds as though you have had it rough.
My name is Barb and my best friend has been diagnosed with ALS in March.
Even though she is the one with ALS, I have no choice but to look at my life and think, what if it was me. Although, the LCBO will be glad to hear it, I am keeping my red wine for now. I would probably say, SLOW DOWN Your life, to myself. Worry less about making money and working and more about spending time with the ones I love. Get together with dear friends that are all too busy raising their children, make an effort to see them. I am doing that now already somewhat, but life unfortunatley is still busy. ALS or Not. But like every so called professional keeps telling Gail, no one knows when their time is up. Anyone could lose their life in a car crash. None of those words really help though. I didn't think about the end of my life daily and I know Gail didn't either before this happened.

nice to meet you. Thanks for the food for thought.

Barb :)
Hi Jim

I don't think there is anything I would change.

Hang in there - remember we are all here for you.

I am not a beer drinker but I am making sure the the wineries are all doing well in B.C.

..................ruby from vancouver
I think if I could do something different it would be to not get this crappy disease. And I think I would go skydiving sooner so that I could have done it more than once.

Hi Jim,
Let's see, I wish I had lived more fearlessly. Before I became a full-time CALS I had a great job as a wildlife biologist...only looking back I was very burned out and didnt appreciate that it was such a good job, because I let it stress me out so much. Fear = anxiety, and I let this overtake me. I would lay awake at night worrying about field work, anticipating, and forget to enjoy the good times--useless overachieving, never enough. It bugged the #$%@$ out of my husband, as his job as a firefighter was even more stressful but he was able to keep perspective and enjoy himself. So although I had good times, I missed out on a passle more of fun much of the time.
I always joke that we 'got' ALS because I wasnt responding to any lessons to learn the 'one day at a time' idea--I needed the accelerated course. Well, I finally have gotten the point and I have started to live in the moment...I threw away my watch the week my husband was diagnosed. I try and embrace each 'challenge' without the fear and anxiety, as we dont have time for me to be grouchy and anxious....
Thanks for making us contemplate these things.
I would definitely hug more and worry less.
Say "I love you" while I still could.
Hugs and prayers, Leah

Thank you, Beth, for your honesty. A big hug for you!
I would not sweat the little stuff. It seems cliche to say, however, when you have lived the full motion picture from beginning to end, I would say, do not sweat the little stuff. We had a good life, worked hard, played hard, lived hard, loved hard. It was good. I think I would have liked to travel more, but, I traveled to places with Henry throughout his als that I would never got to otherwise. Jim, long time no hear, pm me and let me know what the hell is going on at your house.

Carol xo Stay Strong
My husband also has ALS and we are in Butte, MT. If you are at all interested in corresponding with me please do so at [email protected].

I found your post very familiar.

Rae Ann
Hi Rae Ann. Welcome to our little corner of the world. Sorry you have to be here but it is nice that you found us. We're just ordinary folks here with a common bond. Feel free to question, vent , tell us what you are thinking or whatever. Jump in with whatever is on your mind. Al.
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