Im a 38 y/old Female. Five weeks ago, I woke up out of the blue with widespread muscle pain. First stop to PCP. He did all bloodwk, ANA, RF, CPK, VITAMINS, PARVO, VIRUSES, TRuly Everything. All normal.
Two weeks after this, I began having widespread muscle twitching. (Most are felt) Only few are seen. My Muscles feel cramped, sore stiff and cramped. These symptoms have been continuous & refuses to go away since 5 weeks, now. The intensity changes but never fully goes away.
I've seen 2 nueros who both seem to think (Well not much) YET of my brisk knee reflexes and absentee Babinski reflex (Which I know I had at some point).
I had an MRI Of Brain
MRI Of C-Spine
An EMG Upper & Lower
All were normal & One neuro practically threw me out saying "ya see, the EMG is normal so are you satified now.......Its not ALS"
Thats when I sought out a 2nd oppinion. The next neuro says It doesnt Appear to be ALS & Come back..........He'll monitor me & repeat the EMG. He admits I do have symptoms but says, sometimes the knees are just brisk............He'd be more concerned if the toes curled up (Absent babinski doesnt worry him) He tells me be confident that theres no real weekness but keeps saying, "lets see". We will keep a watch out for it.
The reflexes are whats making me think that the Dr is just waiting for this to manifest. Doesnt the reflex (Brisk Knee) & Absent Babinski represent UMD & LMD?
I have an 18 y/old, a 4 y/old & NO FAMILY! I've spent 4 weeks in & out of dr's offices to be told, "Im not sure what it is".
I just cant shake the fact that I have upper & Lower Motor Effects.
I even saw a Rhematologist who feels this cant be FibromyalgiaFibromyalgia because I only had 1 trigger point. She said its more likely to be neurological & the symptoms just haven't manifested completely.
I can't continue each day with thoughts that I will probably deteriate. Im soo VERY lost! :-(((
Im a 38 y/old Female. Five weeks ago, I woke up out of the blue with widespread muscle pain. First stop to PCP. He did all bloodwk, ANA, RF, CPK, VITAMINS, PARVO, VIRUSES, TRuly Everything. All normal.
Two weeks after this, I began having widespread muscle twitching. (Most are felt) Only few are seen. My Muscles feel cramped, sore stiff and cramped. These symptoms have been continuous & refuses to go away since 5 weeks, now. The intensity changes but never fully goes away.
I've seen 2 nueros who both seem to think (Well not much) YET of my brisk knee reflexes and absentee Babinski reflex (Which I know I had at some point).
I had an MRI Of Brain
MRI Of C-Spine
An EMG Upper & Lower
All were normal & One neuro practically threw me out saying "ya see, the EMG is normal so are you satified now.......Its not ALS"
Thats when I sought out a 2nd oppinion. The next neuro says It doesnt Appear to be ALS & Come back..........He'll monitor me & repeat the EMG. He admits I do have symptoms but says, sometimes the knees are just brisk............He'd be more concerned if the toes curled up (Absent babinski doesnt worry him) He tells me be confident that theres no real weekness but keeps saying, "lets see". We will keep a watch out for it.
The reflexes are whats making me think that the Dr is just waiting for this to manifest. Doesnt the reflex (Brisk Knee) & Absent Babinski represent UMD & LMD?
I have an 18 y/old, a 4 y/old & NO FAMILY! I've spent 4 weeks in & out of dr's offices to be told, "Im not sure what it is".
I just cant shake the fact that I have upper & Lower Motor Effects.
I even saw a Rhematologist who feels this cant be FibromyalgiaFibromyalgia because I only had 1 trigger point. She said its more likely to be neurological & the symptoms just haven't manifested completely.
I can't continue each day with thoughts that I will probably deteriate. Im soo VERY lost! :-(((