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Distinguished member
Nov 2, 2007
I am so sorry that I haven't been on in awhile........I have been sooooooo busy, this is a little different. Freddie is doing well, he is sooo depressed, his wheelchair is not ready so he has been on his back for about 37 days now and he is in so much pain...I myself am running around in circles...I could type for hours but don't have the time....I am so sorry that I missed Tims' b-day....So happy B-day tim.....I have so much to tell. Bit I am soo busy that I am adjusting and Freddie is not adjusting so well. I have to tell him to just hang on for his chair. I know that may help. I do feel like a critical care nurse I could just get their are ok though just alot of changes...Freddie is trying to give up, but I am not allowing it, tooo early in the game..........I love and miss you all....I will try to stay in touch, dealing with home health aides..............OH MY GOD! they just dobn't get the seriousness of this........well gotta go
Lots of love,

Can you not get a loaner wheelchair form ALSA! This stuff just infuriates me! Just about everything does nowadays!

How bout MDA loaner?

I'm sorry Freddie has been on his back so long. It's just criminal!

What the heck is taking so long?

Please, I hope you will take care of yourself as well as Freddie. Remember y'all are a team! All members of the team need to be able to play!

So good to hear from you! You and freddie make sure to get plenty of rest. Hopefully you won't have to wait much longer for his chair!

Keep the faith,
Hi Netty- this is so unfair! I hope the wheelchair comes through soon and I hope you are able to find someone to help with your nursing duties. Tell Freddy not to give up yet! We are all in his corner! :-D
Hi Netty, I am so sorry to hear about Freddie being on his back for so long. Please know that you and he are in our thoughts and prayers.
copied from previous thread

freddie and netty.


freddie ,i am so pleased you are now at home and everything went well in hospital.
netty, i am sure you will be more than capable of looking after your freddie,you have done a fantastic job so far.
you are both amazing and i will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
take good care.
Hi Netty,

If it is any consolation, I too was ready to give up during the first couple months on the vent. Jen said she was not ready to lose me yet, so I stuck it out. I am sooo glad I did.:-D


Hang in there. Sounds like you are doing an amazing job of taking care of Freddie. It is a transitional time and it WILL get better and easier like Mike said. You are both in my prayers, as well as praying that Freddie's chair gets there very soon. Don't forget to get some rest.

Take care guys. I'm thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way.

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