How long from twitching to weakness

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Distinguished member
Sep 5, 2007
I know this is very common question, but I searched and nobody responded - people usually told "and weakness later".
I know mostly fascics are after weakness but I would like to know if anyone has it before, how long it took?
Thank you!
Seriously, Blizna, I've gone back and reviewed all your posts. You shouldn't be here any more. You're letting ALS control your life, and you don't even have it.

You should either see a psychiatrist or do a search on Cognitive Behavior Therapy, which is commonly used to treat health anxiety, and follow the instructions.

:-D You are just fine. :-D

Here's my advice on "curing your ALS."

1) Get off the internet.
2) Stay aggressively busy.
3) Be conscious of your thinking. Interrupt bad thoughts and replace them with something positive.
4) Accomplish something every day that makes you feel good about yourself.
5) Treat yourself to something every day that makes you feel good.
6) If you really just can't get past it, go seek help.
Blizna - everyone is different, but most have said if you don't develop weakness in about 6 months, the twitching is probably benign. You definitely have posted some pretty educational information about twitching from your neuro, what did he/she say about it?
Blizna - everyone is different, but most have said if you don't develop weakness in about 6 months, the twitching is probably benign. You definitely have posted some pretty educational information about twitching from your neuro, what did he/she say about it?

Would you say that's perceived, clinical, or "obvious to everyone" weakness?
Now here it is. This is the hardest hting for me to figure out. I say I feel weak. SO how do I prove it? How does my doctor measure it? I think I need to wait until it is "ovious to everyone" weakness. I have developed my own scale, just for my own purposes. This morning I had a hard time pulling my arms out of a heavy sweater. There is a measurement for me. If I still have trouble by Spring I will start paying attention to how hard/easy it is to put my arms into a thin shirt.
This is a support forum. Your posts have an aggressive, impatient, almost hostile edge that is completely counterproductive. The main purpose of your posts seems to be to prove that you are the smartest person in the room and to rudely dismiss anyone who doesn't measure up to your standards. Who are you to say that someone should or should not be here? That's very highhanded. Moreover, by your own criterion, you should not be posting here, since you do not have ALS and you have posted MORE than Blizna has.

As for your tart list of self-improvement suggestions for Blizna, I can only think of this gem of wisdom from the ancient Greeks: "Physician, heal thyself."
I hope you will keep posting here. I have found your posts to be informative, helpful, and, most important, kind and compassionate in tone.

This is a support forum. Your posts have an aggressive, impatient, almost hostile edge that is completely counterproductive. The main purpose of your posts seems to be to prove that you are the smartest person in the room and to rudely dismiss anyone who doesn't measure up to your standards. Who are you to say that someone should or should not be here? That's very highhanded. Moreover, by your own criterion, you should not be posting here, since you do not have ALS and you have posted MORE than Blizna has.

As for your tart list of self-improvement suggestions for Blizna, I can only think of this gem of wisdom from the ancient Greeks: "Physician, heal thyself."

shopathonic...some people spend months to years worrying over this disease uselessly. I'm a blunt Italian who comes across as rude because...I don't know. Maybe I am rude. But I only have Blizna's best interests at heart. Blizna has twitching without weakness or atrophy and has been cleared by his neurologist through EMG/NCV. He has a self-described history of medical anxiety, and I sympathize with him because I used to think I had ALS myself.

As for me, I have no medical anxiety, but I plan on being here until Al and Cindy tell me to leave. I hate to see people suffer needlessly.

As a side note, I think if you will go back and read your and my interactions on this forum with an open mind, you might be surprised as to which one of us is the aggressor.

Blizna, do you think I'm correct in my advice to you, or am I being rude? Perhaps I need to change my tactics.
There is important business to be conducted on this forum--sharing information, providing emotional support, and giving guidance. All this is more important than your efforts to defend your chronically tart, dismissive, and snippy tone toward people who are hurting, emotionally and/or physically. You are not a professional of any kind, and you often presume to make definitive diagnoses--whether ruling a condition in or out--in a way that is completely irresponsible, your derisive tone aside. I'm sure, for example, that Blizna is bound to feel worse, not better, after being subjected to your barrage of condescension.

As for who should or should not be posting here, I for one vote for more posts from Blizna and fewer from you. His posts have been informative and, more important, have brought a compassionate and supportive tone to the forum that you would do well to emulate.

There is important business to be conducted on this forum--sharing information, providing emotional support, and giving guidance. All this is more important than your efforts to defend your chronically tart, dismissive, and snippy tone toward people who are hurting, emotionally and/or physically. You are not a professional of any kind, and you often presume to make definitive diagnoses--whether ruling a condition in or out--in a way that is completely irresponsible, your derisive tone aside. I'm sure, for example, that Blizna is bound to feel worse, not better, after being subjected to your barrage of condescension.

As for who should or should not be posting here, I for one vote for more posts from Blizna and fewer from you. His posts have been informative and, more important, have brought a compassionate and supportive tone to the forum that you would do well to emulate.


Technically, what you are suggesting with Blizna would be called enabling.

By the way, I am in fact a professional of some kind :-D, though not in the health field.
OK guys, play nice. Jeff you've taken it as a personal mission to straighten out Jeliota. If anyone gets out of hand here Cindy, David or myself have a few available options to use. You two bickering and sniping at each other is counter productive to the intent of these forums. Everyone is entitled to an opinion here as long as it is not against the terms of service. The written word sometimes sounds harsh to some readers. No ill intent may be intended. Try to be a little more tolerant both of you. Thanks.
That's what I meant--you are not a healthcare professional of any kind, yet you wrongly presume to rule out this or that condition without having examined anyone.

It is not enabling to adopt a pleasant, supportive tone with someone in need. Professional counselors and therapists make their living doing just that. So techinically, what you are doing is harmful, not helpful. It is DISabling to adopt a harsh, dismissive, condescending tone toward people who are in physical and/or emotional pain. The idea is to give reassurance, not to rap people across the knuckles for not living up to your own no doubt impeccable standards of mental health.

And I do indeed hope to enable Blizna's efforts to communicate his knowledge and experience to others on this list, and to discourage you from making them feel even lousier about themselves than they already do. If you feel that you have a wealth of knowledge to share with people out here, that's great. That can be done without emphasizing with each syllable how much smarter and more together you are than everybody else. Techincally, that's called overcompensating for some personal insecurity of your own. For that problem, I quote you back to yourself: "If you really just can't get past it, go seek help."
OK guys, play nice. Jeff you've taken it as a personal mission to straighten out Jeliota. If anyone gets out of hand here Cindy, David or myself have a few available options to use. You two bickering and sniping at each other is counter productive to the intent of these forums. Everyone is entitled to an opinion here as long as it is not against the terms of service. The written word sometimes sounds harsh to some readers. No ill intent may be intended. Try to be a little more tolerant both of you. Thanks.

I'm sorry Al. I honestly didn't think I was being intolerant or sniping at shopathonic. But, then again, I didn't think I was being condescending to Blizna, so perhaps my writing is not coming across as I intend it. I'll do my best to tone it down and be more careful.
Jeliota does seem to come off somewhat harsh and for some reason especially to me. Reading his previous posts I believe I read that he was suffering from hypochondria, yet is on here to straighten all of us out. I don't appreciate it and in know way was my post even remotely connected to any of his posts.

I appreciate shopathonic bringing this to the moderators attention because I have gone out of my way to tell Paul (Jeliota) that my posts aren't aimed toward him, since, for some reason, he doesn't like anyone adding their thoughts, research or education to a thread he has already straightened us out on. If we look hard enough, we will notice many very educated and long time members have stopped posting. These antagonizers are the reason why. This I know for fact, I have talked to them. Anyway, I only occasionally post, am very ill and actually have many things I would like to talk about, but haven't. I sure hope the forum goes back to the way it was several months ago so we can do that again. Thanks Al and Cindy for trying, though I am suprised you pointed out Jeff's post and not the rotten one Jeliota wrote to Blizna.

Cindy - I have had the same problem about weakness. The docs at first said I didn't have it because I could press their hand or push my leg to their arm. Now that I can't push those things very well, their story has changed and they say I am getting worse. If they knew me before the initial "push" they would have known I was getting worse then!
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