From what I have learned over the last 8 months, you need to "pace" yourself, or you will wear yourself out! Some I learned from trial and error, and I also listened to a lot of advice on this forum, plus the patient advocate from the ALS Assn.
I think that we, as nurses, tend to think we can keep working, no matter what! Well, I'm slowly, but surely, learning to enjoy time with my family and just general "living" more than working. Yes, I love my job, the people I work with, the drs I work for, but my family comes first. I'm in the process of dropping down to only 2 days a week so that I can qualify for disability. There's much more on that adventure under the disability thread.
I remember the 12hr shifts, both in the ER, and later in hospital and long term care settings. My hubby used to tell me it was nice to have a few more days off, but damn, when I worked 3 12's in a row, it took a whole day to recover!
I've heard that the more you push yourself with ALS, the more fatigue you will have. Your body will talk to you-it's just so hard to listen!
Hope this helps a little, I'm sure someone else will chime in-
take good care,