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Oct 23, 2003
Aspartame and Lou Gehrigs disease

Aspartame damages the cardiac conduction system and causes sudden death. The article below (Team Targets Sudden Cardiac Death) might as well have been written about this toxin because it describes the problem this killer causes.

Tragic reports from Iraq reveal high incidence of sudden death from heart attacks, cerebral and cardiac thromboses, fatal blood clots. In the USA sudden cardiac death, SCD, has become the number one killer, claiming 460,000 a year, according to the CDC. Often it is athletes in prime condition who fall while playing; three Japanese athletes died on one day. Their conditioning is similar to the robust state of troops trained for combat, but both are falling like snowflakes.

Is there a connection? The government sent boatloads of diet drinks to the Gulf where they sat in the Arabian sun for weeks decomposing into formaldehyde cocktails, which the troops drank constantly to avoid dehydration. In September the peer-reviewed journal Neurology published ground-breaking studies by scientists at the Department of Veterans Affairs - concluding that Gulf War veterans, most in their 20's and 30's during the war, are contracting ALS at nearly three times the expected rate for their age group. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a horrible neurological affliction occurring to people in their 60s which gradually destroys all mobility, even the ability to swallow. Nevertheless the victim remains mentally alert, a prisoner in a private hell, his body a degenerating cage, awaiting the inevitable. The sequence is gradual, total: incapacity, humiliation, loss of physical control, paralysis, death. A ghastly reward for patriotism!

James Bowen, M.D. experienced terrible Lou Gehrigs symptoms and was being progressively destroyed, but as an MD and biochemist his research revealed that these symptoms are frequently associated with aspartame poisoning. He discontinued aspartame/NutraSweet/Equal and recovered most of his abilities and he believes many Desert Storm victims are similar aspartame victims, and if they discontinue this recognized neurotoxin in time they may well recover. Dr Bowen describes aspartame poisoning as minute doses of nerve gas that eradicates brain and nerve function. Dr. Russell Blaylock says in Health & Nutrition Secrets To Save Your Life: "In the case of diet drinks in aluminum cans, the very toxic brain aluminum fluoride compound co-exists with multiple toxins found in aspartame, thus creating the most powerful government approved toxic soup imaginable."

Dr. Bowen has explained how the destruction works. Aspartic acid, the excitotoxic component of aspartame does not cross the blood brain barrier, but is secreted into the cerebral spinal fluid by the choroid plexus located in the ventricles of the brain. There, in the brain's lower area and upper terminus of the spinal cord is where Lou Gehrigs, Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis damage is most prominent. These critical locations are bathed in the toxin as it removes from the blood. From the third to fourth ventricle there is a narrow canal called sylvian aqueduct which fills with this secretion and washes the roof of the hypothalamus. This accounts for aspartame damage to the hypothalamus. Electrical as well as chemical activity powers hypothalamic generators, cell masses specializing in involuntary behavior control. These centers fire circuits which signal the body to eat, drink, become aroused. This power originates in a quarter ounce of gray matter and damage to the hypothalamus produces serious and diverse problems including sexual dysfunction. Aspartame attacks the hypothalamus.

Neurotoxins cross the blood brain barrier but neuroexcitotoxins such as aspartic acid do not. Two excellent medical texts on the deadly effects of aspartame are: Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic by H. J. Roberts, M.D., author of many books on diagnosis and recognized as "The Best Doctor in the USA" by the medical magazine Practice 84 and Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D. Dr. Blaylock is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the Medical University of Mississippi. He practiced neurosurgery for 24 years. He serves on the editorial staff of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Assn and on the editorial board of the Medical Sentinel, official journal of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Lou Gehrigs or ALS are discussed in both doctors books.

Dr. Bowen says the medical view of thromboses has been updated. The effects of inflammation of the blood vessels, especially autoimmune inflammations in producing thromboses is evident. Aspartame which converts into methyl alcohol, formaldehyde. formic acid, diketopiperazine is corrosive to blood vessels. To combat dust and heat the troops chew gum constantly, and Wrigley in full knowledge of its deadliness continues to add aspartame to all of its gums. They have been repeatedly notified but care not what happens to the victims. A tablet of nitroglycerin under the tongue transports immediately to the brain and interrupts a heart attack, so the aspartame in saliva from gum goes straight to the brain, with deadly effect. The U. S. Air Force magazine, Flying Safety, explained the aspartame as in a single stick of gum can cause flicker vertigo and other problems in pilots. That's one stick. Imagine the cumulative consequence of several sticks daily for months with diet sodas all day long.

Aspartame as a chemical hypersensitization agent interacts with vaccines and environmental chemicals amplifyng their toxicity. Coalition warriors fired thousands of tons of depleted uranium rounds which on impact smashed into millions of radioactive microscopic particles to be inhaled or absorbed thru the skin. Once in the body aspartame magnifies this deadly radioactive killer which destroys the lungs and remains lethal for millions of years, and so we are seeing an epidemic of unexplained pneumonia among coalition troops.

War is hell, but the everlasting devastation from radioactive weapons and systematic daily poisoning with Donald Rumsfeld's toxin (he was CEO of NutraSweet's parent company and called in his chips to get it approved) will make this war a killer of generations. Read more about Donald Rumsfeld in the Artificially Sweetened Times

On the front page of USA Today, 10/13/2003 is "Army Probes Soldier Suicides". It says the suicide rate is very high in Iraq. Phenylalanine in aspartame lowers the seizure threshold and depletes serotonin. Lowered serotonin triggers SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, and manic depression, insomnia, panic attack, anxiety, mood swings, and paranoia. Dr. Bowen when on aspartame kept wanting to commit suicide. When aspartame victim, Mary Reiff, joined me on a TV program I asked why her wrists had been slit. She said: "When I was on aspartame I kept wanting to commit suicide but didn't know why. Once off of it, those tendencies disappeared, as did my seizures and blindness." Mary Reiff had been declared legally blind. The wood alcohol or methanol in aspartame converts to formaldehyde and formic acid in the retina of the eye and destroys the optic nerve.

Also on the front page of USA was is "Obesity Explodes From Teens to 20's". Many drink diet sodas in a misguided effort to keep their weight in check. Aspartame causes a craving for carbohydrates resulting in the opposite. The epidemic of obesity in America coincides exactly with the approval of aspartame 20 years ago. If you read the protest of the National Soft Drink Association on you will see Dr. Richard Wurtman's affidavit that aspartame makes you crave carbohydrates. It is a neurotoxic drug, not an additive.

FDA and CDC you know what is happening to the troops and why. You sold out the consumer public and the military by lying about aspartame. Post marketing research has shown these problems for years, yet you have turned your back on the those you purport to protect. Is your loyalty to industry worth the mass poisoning of the people in 100 countries, as Dr. Bowen told you in a letter years ago?
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Re: ?

Everyone with ALS should strictly avoid aspartame and MSG.

(I think even people wihout ALS should avoid these things.)
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Very interesting stuff, we all wondered if there would be some damage done with all the "light" processed products out there. Thank you for another topic to look into. I am going to go out and get the book you suggested Jerry, I am interested to see what it says.

I've probably only drank about 3 cola drinks in my whole life. Don't like the taste. I avoid MSG and I still got ALS. So while it is an interesting theory, it is still just one guys idea and it sells books so I guess he's done his job.
Al, you are right - there is no one particular proven cause for als. However, I think that food additives such as MSG and Aspart. amongst many others, are a hideous and very harmful invention. For sure, some people may ingest them straight, and not be affected, just like some people smoke and drink all through their life and live to be 90; that does not negate the fact that smoking and drinking are major causes for some major terminal illnesses - we all know and agree on that issue. So, I do not look at it as an interesting story - rather a very frightening one, one you consider how much the "diet" drinks are pushed on kids, hence their poisoning starting at such an early stage of life. Sodas are very bad, regardless if diet or not (if it can disolve a nail, imagine what it does to one's body organs). No one in the food industry will willingly admit that theyare poisoning people - imagine how much of bland food has been made to taste better since the MSG was discovered! THe implications are extreme, and the only thing we can do, is take care of our selves in the best way possible, each on their own. That is why, healthy clean diet, non-processed foods and juices are seen just about on every als/med site. Are we realizing this too late? Can changing our diet now help our illnesses? Who is to say, but individuals' own accounts. I know first hand, that just as dad was doing great, he took unknowingly some MSG enhanced drinks/food for almost 2 weeks and relapsed into a really bad condition. As soon as he eliminated the source for the aggravation, he has been doing very well again, and all symptoms went away once his system went back to normal. As for that being the cause for his als? - I do not think so, there are so many factors, yet when one combines them all, still a path can be seen into the labirinth of ways. The individual's own immune system predispositions to certain influences lays the course for all matters which will effect it - positively or negatively. I just hope that rather than only hearing about this new finding and that new finding, there will be an actual finding for immediate application NOW... I may be over reacting - forgive me.

I've probably only drank about 3 cola drinks in my whole life. Don't like the taste. I avoid MSG and I still got ALS. So while it is an interesting theory, it is still just one guys idea and it sells books so I guess he's done his job.

Aspartame is in more things than just cola. Even children's vitamins have aspartame.

How do you know you avoid MSG? In order to avoid MSG you must avoid all the ingredients that contain or may contain MSG. For example V8 Juice contains MSG. It's called "seasoning".

MSG is in almost everything, but it goes by other names. This is intentional so you don't know it's MSG.

In order to avoid MSG you must avoid so many things that you end up with a freaky weird far-out kind of diet.
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Very interesting stuff, we all wondered if there would be some damage done with all the "light" processed products out there. Thank you for another topic to look into.

Most doctors will tell you that it's a "belief" or "not proved" or somesuch thing. They don't know what they are talking about. Don't be intimidated by someone just because they are an MD (Medical Deity).
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I don't drink V8 either. Never have. I read labels. Try to avoid processed foods. Drink wine without preservatives but am not sure what pesticides were put on the grapes. And what about the water in the mix. Where did it come from. How many chemicals are in it? What about the chemicals in the feed that they feed the pigs chickens and the beef? Fish from the ocean have mercury. Even the so called Organic foods get rained on by acid rain. There just isn't any way to escape all the chemicals out there. I don't like it any more than you but outside of anarchy what are we supposed to do? Lobby our politicians.?That should make every ones laugh for the day. They don't care. They get their fat pensions and go off for the summer. What happened to David Tilson's bill on the floor to make June ALS awareness month across Canada. Beeep Gone. Had to take summer break. No one really gives a rat's butt. But then some people might find a reason to disagree with that.
Wow, when you look at all those ingredients that are found in almost everything it can be overwhelming. What diet do you follow Jerry, are you on a competely Raw Foods diet?


Wow, when you look at all those ingredients that are found in almost everything it can be overwhelming. What diet do you follow Jerry, are you on a competely Raw Foods diet?

Some people say they don't eat anything with MSG in it. I am usually extremely skeptical.

BTW, besides the items on the list of forbidden items, there are foods that perhaps should be added to the list. For example over-ripe tomatoes are too high in free glutamate for ALS people. But apparently they are not nearly as bad as processed foods. Wheat, oats, barley, rye have gluten, a protein that is high in glutamic acid, perhaps not cool for ALS.

I'm not completely raw. I don't follow a diet. I avoid bad stuff and do good stuff.

I drink lots of veggy juice, freshly made with a juicer.

Fish oil for long-chain omega-3. I used to rely on ground flax for omega-3. I still put ground flax in the veggy juice, but flax doesn't have long-chain omega-3, only short-chain and medium-chain. Long-chain is what is needed for healing of brain and nerves. Theoretically the body is supposed to be able to convert from short-chain or medium-chain to long-chain, but that depends on a bunch of questionable things and is not the best bet.
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Hi Jerry,

Some very interesting material that you’ve provided!

I wanted to follow up on Christina’s question about your diet. You’ve given quite a list of what not to eat and given only fresh veggy juice (with flax) as an alternative. Surely you eat more than that?
Could you outline a few more foods that would be a benefit for those of us with ALS?

As well, how long have you (or a loved one) dealt with this disease?

Cheers Jerry!
Hi Guys,

Regarding the topic of aspartame being a cause of als. Hard to belive, but who knows. All the researchers and medical scientists around the world have not come up to this as a cause, but have they really looked into it fully? Do they even entertain the idea that it could be a cause? Interesting to know what they think. I agree, juicing is an important component into longevity for als patients. I know. We juiced everyday, and later I will include the recipes that Henry followed strictly. Fish, 5 or 6 days a week as well. We avoided most processed foods, drank only distilled water, and as well ate lots of greens. If you follow a regimen somewhat like this, your body should be eventually clear of a lot of toxins. Henry had a hair analysis done early on in the game, and his results of heavy metal toxins were off the scale. Tried a regimen of herbs and vitamins to combat it, and for the most part worked for awhile. Remember, your hair is not going to tell you that you have als. We did not tell the homopath that we went to this, and he said Henry was "fine" that he only had to cleanse his body of these toxins. Well, needless to say we went home, still with als, and spent quite a few dollars as well. Henry had all the mecury fillings removed from his mouth and had procelin ones put in. That also was a costly venture, but again, I think helped prolong his life. Who knows what program one should follow. I do believe that juicing is a major factor and your diet in combination adds to the plan. I do think that als in some people can be retarded for a time. In large, it does march on. To fool ones self, is crazy. But, while we are in the fight for our lives, we have to keep on searching and trying everything that we can to try to combat als. Just keep on having a positive attitude and keep your sense of humour. Do take ideas from everyone and settle on some that work for you. That is the purpose of this forum. Stay Strong, and keep on fighting.

Love, Carol
Very good advice!

Thanks Carol,
Thank you Carol, I really appreciate your positive approach to this fight. If you could provide some of the juicing recipes you used that would be great, my dad is buying a juicer this week. Are you suggesting you would not get the hair analysis done? I know it won't rule out ALS but thought it would give a more detail analysis of what type of metals are showing at high levels and then we would focus in on eliminating those? Maybe we don't need to do that and just do the overall metal cleanse? Did you do the hair analysis through your naturopath? Do you have a cleanse that you suggest that you used with Henry? Were there any side effects, people seem to be discouraging the cleanse a bit. My dad is also starting to see a Naturopath this week, she will probably suggest something to him too. It would be interesting to know what you used though.

Thank you for your information, look forward to hearing back from you.

Hi Christina.

I am not ruling out the hair analysis, but, I do believe that it is really not a necessary thing to do. It is a lot of money and does not offer any concrete results of how to battle the als. We all know some of carry more toxcity in our bodies than others, so, really you can avoid much cost by starting your own program, whether it is juicing or diet or other things. We did the colonic cleanse. Henry did not have any really bad side effects from any of these methods. He did feel stronger after juicing and after colonics just felt tired for an hour or two. We did go to a naturopath for all. I am sure that if you check out your local health food store they could recommend a good colonist. They will also recommend some herbs that will help your dad too. I cannot really remember the name of the herbs, there was so many different ones as he went on, but they will hopefully steer you in the right direction. Good luck hope some of this helps you out. Take care, and stay strong.

Love, Carol
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