Hopefully Lymme - ALS ?

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Moderator emeritus
May 25, 2004
NW of Toronto
I talked to a very nice lady today whose 41 year old husband has a diagnosis of ALS but has found a doctor that thinks it may be Lymme disease and is treating him for it. He is a disc jockey at K-Rock 105.7 in Kingston Ont. up here in Canada for all our friends in other countries. He has a blog going and I'll post the station link and click on The G Story on the station homepage to read Glenn's story.
I really enjoyed his site, I wish he wrote more. He has a great sense of humor, and the Lyme disease angle is fascinating.

yes, Al, thanks for posting that.
His blog was very interesting, made me wonder why I was never tested for Lymme myself?:?::?::?:
Guess it's never to late to email the neuro and ask how to do that!
take care all,
Thanks for sharing this, Al. I certainly hope treatment will work quickly for this talented man.
Does anyone know where the doctor is from that is treating him ?
I think he's in the Kingston area. I could probably get his name and number.

We have been down the lyme road as well. My hubby had aggressive lyme treatment after testing positive for lyme and Q fever. My husband still believes that lyme has caused or initiated ALS. We still see a lyme literate doctor as well as the als clinic. Wish we had some miracles to report..but the disease is still progressing. I pray that this gentleman really has just lyme...he would be very lucky. I will anxiously follow his story. This is always a controversial subject!
Jackie and I spent three months at the Sierra Integrative Clinic in Reno, Nevada last winter. We both tested positive for Lyme's and were treated accordingly. She was diagnosed with ALS three years ago, and I have no symptoms of anything. They offer hope at this clinic in the form of real medicine and a big fat book full of testimonials. My eyes were opened to just how prevalent Lyme's disease is out there in the world, and to the fact that it is not a mainstream well known problem because many people like myself do not or haven't yet exhibited any symptoms. It doesn't appear to have stemmed the progression of Jackie's ALS any but I do believe that eliminating this component is critical for anyone with a serious interest in regaining their life.
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