Hi everyone. This is my first post. I'm wondering if these are sympotms of ALS.
My husband noticed two weeks ago when I handed him a piece of paper that my hand was shaking. Ok - no biggie, right? Well, then last week, out of nowhere my back (between my shoulderblades and especially on my right side) just started killing me with pain. My right shoulderblade muscle (whatever that is called) and then my tricep on my right hand felt very weak. Then I noticed that my right hand was shaking in certain positions (while on the phone, etc.)
I went to an orthopaedic doc who said that my neck was straight forward instead of curved like a backwards C at the top, so that might be causing back pain along with the fact that my shoulderblades sort of "roll" forward (I have a larger chest so that might be causing it after years and years.)
My right shoulderblade muscle in the back and tricep is killing me, and nerve on my elbow too - my hand may have carpel tunnel or something because my last two fingers fall asleep or tingle sometimes..
But the part that really scares me is that my hands are shaky. They only shake when I am doing something not at rest. I'm wondering if my hands could be shaking from muscle fatigue of all these muscles? Or is it something like ALS?
My mom does have essential tremor, but it would be wierd for this to come on so fast with my back issues.
I'm so scared now that now, I think I"m shaky on the inside becasue of my complete fear that this is something horrible like ALS, and so now my whole body is shaky I think from fear really - but my hands do tremor.
I have a lot of pain in my back on the Right Shoulderblade by my shoulder.
When I went for physical therapy, my Right hand (dominant) was weaker. It almost feels like muscle fatigue maybe is why I'm shaking I dont know.
But this has all happened within a week. Nothing - zero symptoms from before.
My hands sometimes shake as if you were low on blood sugar and were just shaky, even while resting... But most of the time its just if I hold my hand in a certain position then it shakes, you know?
I went to another orthopaedic doc yesterday who is sending me for physical therapy.
Oh - and also I got a nerve test done on both hands in the doc office (not an EMG) the other one....and it said negative - no problems, but my right elbow nerve (sort of like your funny bone nerve) is KILLING ME, and my last two fingers are falling asleep and a bit tingly.
I'm a mess. Please help me. If you have any idea if this kind of pain and muscle sort of weakness and shaky/tremor stuff might be ALS I would apprecaite any kind of opinion,e tc.
Ok thanks in advance for any help.
My husband noticed two weeks ago when I handed him a piece of paper that my hand was shaking. Ok - no biggie, right? Well, then last week, out of nowhere my back (between my shoulderblades and especially on my right side) just started killing me with pain. My right shoulderblade muscle (whatever that is called) and then my tricep on my right hand felt very weak. Then I noticed that my right hand was shaking in certain positions (while on the phone, etc.)
I went to an orthopaedic doc who said that my neck was straight forward instead of curved like a backwards C at the top, so that might be causing back pain along with the fact that my shoulderblades sort of "roll" forward (I have a larger chest so that might be causing it after years and years.)
My right shoulderblade muscle in the back and tricep is killing me, and nerve on my elbow too - my hand may have carpel tunnel or something because my last two fingers fall asleep or tingle sometimes..
But the part that really scares me is that my hands are shaky. They only shake when I am doing something not at rest. I'm wondering if my hands could be shaking from muscle fatigue of all these muscles? Or is it something like ALS?
My mom does have essential tremor, but it would be wierd for this to come on so fast with my back issues.
I'm so scared now that now, I think I"m shaky on the inside becasue of my complete fear that this is something horrible like ALS, and so now my whole body is shaky I think from fear really - but my hands do tremor.
I have a lot of pain in my back on the Right Shoulderblade by my shoulder.
When I went for physical therapy, my Right hand (dominant) was weaker. It almost feels like muscle fatigue maybe is why I'm shaking I dont know.
But this has all happened within a week. Nothing - zero symptoms from before.
My hands sometimes shake as if you were low on blood sugar and were just shaky, even while resting... But most of the time its just if I hold my hand in a certain position then it shakes, you know?
I went to another orthopaedic doc yesterday who is sending me for physical therapy.
Oh - and also I got a nerve test done on both hands in the doc office (not an EMG) the other one....and it said negative - no problems, but my right elbow nerve (sort of like your funny bone nerve) is KILLING ME, and my last two fingers are falling asleep and a bit tingly.
I'm a mess. Please help me. If you have any idea if this kind of pain and muscle sort of weakness and shaky/tremor stuff might be ALS I would apprecaite any kind of opinion,e tc.
Ok thanks in advance for any help.