Gordie I hope what I am about to say will help you feel a little bit better. As I watch my husband slowly loose the use of his hands I feel so frightened. My heart breaks everytime I see him struggle to do things. I help him dress, buttons,zippers and opening things, holding things have become a problem for him. I lovingly help him with all these things. We try not to focus on it to much, we just do what has to be done and keep going. I understand how you feel, it hurts. Try not to focus on having to use a wheel chair and try not to look at the wheel chair as a bad thing. The way we are going to try to look at things is that my husband just has to use a different way to do things. Live life, even though there are hurdles there, just hang in there and look at the glass half full instead of half empty as they say. I know this is hard to do but you will learn to do this. I never thought a few months ago that I could bear seeing my husband struggle like this but even though it is painful I take care of him and we have fun, we learn to laugh at some of the situations we get into. I stumbled one day and he said oh dear it is contagious, I looked at him and cried then I laughed, we held each other and moved on. Gordie, in life we are all dealt something, I have an illness that has tore at my heart and soul for a long time and have learned to face it every day with the attitude that okay today I am here and I will live the best I can, I will love the best I can and I will help others the bes I can. I am disabled but I am alive and I have love in my heart for my husband and that is what keeps me going. Hang in there, in time you will see that there will be days you feel awful but there will be days that are wonderful with lots of sunshine.