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I know I'll probably get slated for posting here again but I have a question so here goes....

As I mentioned in my last post I had the emg on Monday and the neuro provisionally said I didn't have MND. The emg was of my arm and leg, which I had been having weakness, cramps and twitching in etc.

Some of my other symptoms are voice changes where I sound like I'm slurring or lisping and also difficulty with my swallow. Today I have developed an issue with my chewing in addition to the other symptoms and the swallowing thing seems more pronounced. Also seem to be nipping at my cheeks and lips with my teeth a fair bit. The chewing issue is best described by saying that my jaw muscles aren't strong enough to chew and sore and fatigued all day.

Anyway, to the question. Does the "clean" emg of my limbs rule out limb onset only or would it rule out bulbar onset also. I'm really trying to work on forgetting about this and on my anxiety issues but when these symptoms keep stacking up its very difficult.

Thanks in advance for any guidance.

My husband was bulbar onset and the emg was done in his limbs, not his tongue, neck, etc... and yes, the EMG picked up the issue even before he had symptoms in his arms. You really need to let this go. You have been cleared by a neurologist and the EMG. By focusing only on ALS you may be pigeonholing your doctors. Go to the doc with 'what could be causing my symptoms', not 'do I have ALS'--which you do NOT have. Best of luck, but you need to leave now, this forum is only hindering your ability to properly treat your anxiety and physical symptoms.

That is the approach I took with my doc. It's her that put MND in my head initially. Not that I'm blaming her as she was just being thorough in trying to rule things out.
But you're right, I need to find a way to get passed this and try get myself sorted. Just when I think I can move on another symptom presents itself. Thanks for the comments and I won't post again.

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