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New member
Jul 13, 2016
Learn about ALS
Hey All,

First I would like to say that I have read all stickies, searched the forum and online for some help - couldn't find it. I wanted to post here and see if there is some answers.

Also, I know how difficult it must be to have this disease or be a caregiver to someone who has it. I don't want to waste anyone's time with my anxiety worries if thats all it it is.

Anyways, I have had this weird curling with my right pinky. When I bend my wrist back, the pinky curls in. Other than that it seems fine, I can lay it flat on a table, move the pinky up/down left/right. This has been noticeable for about 5 months now. I am 26 male, otherwise healthy. I do have some twitching but I have read the stickies and attribute that to BFS.

I know there are users with clawed hands here, my question is could this be a first symptom? Or is it more of an issue that comes later on down the road?

Thank you very much for anyone who has the time to answer this question.

The claws come about after atrophy, which in turn comes about after weakness.

No worries, lad, move on with your life.
NUP you are good to go :D

You can bet when you read the sticky we would have really clearly stated that one finger curling is a sure sign if it was. I'm sure if you really searched the forum here before posting you would have seen lots of others coming here saying much the same and us saying not a chance that is the first sign of ALS.

Enjoy living a long life lad.
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