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I am beginning to realize that neurology is an inexact science and the MND's are even harder to pin down. Any debate on this subject will be speculative, at best.

For example: my Doctor works at a world-renowned clinic in a major city associated with Harvard Medical School. People travel around the world to go to this clinic. two years ago he "promised" me - PROMISED, a direct quote- that what I had was MS or Lupus. This guy sees hundreds of MND, MS, and all the rest and he thought he'd nailed it for me.

My point is, every time one of us guesses, sight unseen, that someone on the Internet does not have cause to worry, or should see another neurologist, I am guessing either camp has a 50% chance of being right. :-D
Like you Cindy ,I have more bull-s--t diagnosed in 9 years When in reality when I was Dx a monkey could have did it. The symptoms were so obvious. Neuros hate to commit to a death sentence I guess. also the brain is so complex that neuros admit they have so much to learn yet. Pat1
Why would one get a second opinion? How about one normal EMG one abnormal, how about one doc noting brisk reflexes and muscle wasting and another saying, well lets see more. All the while you are trying to hold on to a job and life you have no energy to hold on to anymore! One thing i have learned about neurologists is it seems like a dog and pony show. When they dont like the results, they make you wait and wait because we all know it is not an exact science.... Like Patricia said, why is he on here asking questions? If he gets freaked out about her post that is on him not her, she is giving a comment to a question. Don't ask the question if you do not want an answer, is my motto. Hardy, you seem to need to learn good manners. If you had a problem with Patricia you should have sent her a private message with your concerns... Don't bring up hostile judgements on the posts, have a little class.

Ps. thank you Patricia for sharing your story, please dont let this affect your answering posts.... Sam

But to get back to the topic as we last left it, even one of my neuros is now admitting that he does not have answers.

I would like to remind all who come here looking for answers of this fact. With every other part of our body the specialists can tell definitively. Think about it: you either have a strep throat or you do not. You have cataracts or not. Your leg is broken or it isn't.

In Neurology, there are no clear answers. We set ourselves up for disappointment when we expect to give or receive clarity over these gray areas.

This is why I am waiting until my cat can diagnose me. I am progressing and I presume eventually, it will become self-apparent to my cat! Meanwhile, I have decided not to spend more monies to continue to have more tests. Of course, it is tempting, but I have not gone back to a neurologist since my last visit in May of
LOL VMD. After your cat DX's you, have her take a look at me!:-D
he he he

ok- she's also good at keeping my chest warm!
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