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New member
May 29, 2008
Loved one DX
myrtle beach
I read several stories.... thanks to you all... My father-in-law has als now for several years. He is basically in the finally stages... It has been very difficult on the family to see all the progression it has made. I am at a loss though and need advice.. My wife has done very well but at this point she has a very difficult time.. they had to go in and fix some complications with the function of the vent.. Every since she has been short and quick tempered.. She also has never dealt with much loss... She is mad with the disease and rightfully so.. At this point most everything is just frustrating.. Does anyone have any suggestions that will help with the grieving process... thanks for your help and may GOD bless each and every one of you!
Hello Munk,
I'm so sorry about your father in law. Your wife is having to face such a tremendous loss. It seems so needless and the disease seems so random in who it attacks. I'm sure your wife feels very angry. Just listening to her and letting her cry and vent would certainly be helpful to her, but I think that if she were to read posts from PALS and CALS (people with ALS and caregivers of PALS) on this forum, it would help her to handle her grief and anger and perhaps gain some peace and perspective.
For myself I can say that the biggest help to me since my PALS husband was diagnosed in March has been reading other people's posts, getting glimpses into the struggles of so many people who right at this very moment are dealing with the tragedy of this disease. Throughout the day as I care for my husband and work around the house I remember other people I've met through this forum. Each of us has our particular set of circumstances to deal with, but we're all making our way along this very sad road. It helps not to feel so alone with the sadness and devastation.
I wish you and your wife comfort and peace. Blessings to all in your family.
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