Itr you are right................... One of my neurologist suggested that the atrophy in my hands and back could be from lack of use or being immobile.. At the time i wished i had said, oh when was this time that i got to rest and not move for months? The order for this next EMG is specifically looking for ALS and to rule it out, because that is the last thing it could be. The doc said he would help me even if they never find out what it is.. This is my first EMG that will be looking or rather trying to rule it out. The doc prescribed me an antidepressant that made me super sad and shaky. I also had panic attacks and kept crying. I stopped taking it, and continue with my two old ones Provigil and Klonopin. Plus the anti depressant made me yawn, terrible and gave me severe pain in my temple and cheek area, muscle spasm i guess... I will be on temporary disabillity for the next month and i plan on getting myself as healthy as possible, physically and mentally. Working with children has become impossible right now, i am going through way too much stress.... My emotions change with the wind. Luckily i am not having panick attacks though, now that i stopped that medicine. Its kinda funny that an anti depressant can have the exact opposite effect on me. Thank you all for responding, i really need the emotional help. I finally told my husband what ALS is! He has been with me to all of my appointments and to this last one at the ALS clinic! Ignorance is bliss, i guess thats why he is never stressed out, funny thing is he did not seem upset when i told him. He is so calm like that, he takes things as they come. I dont like talking about all this stuff to my family because it makes them upset or that is all they want to talk about, and my friends and co workers just found out i was being tested for it when i went on temporary disability. They knew i have been going to neurologists for half a year but never understood why and never really asked... I guess if i do not talk about in my family life,, it does not exist as much........ So when i get on here i feel like this is my sanctuary or my confessional!