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New member
Jan 17, 2004

All of this is very new to me. I just found out 2 days ago that my father has ALS. I am very scared and worried all at the same time. I have been doing a lot of research and have learned many new things about this horrible disease. I was very happy to find this site. I think that it will provide me with a lot of support that I will need. I'll be keeping in touch. You are all in my prayers.
Hello Kim

I am very sorry to hear about your dad, glad you found this site it can be helpful in directing you to the help your family will need soon. Two days is not alot of time to digest this horrible news. How is his condition? Hope you are getting support from your local chapter in your area they are great for providing your family the much need information you will need to arm yourself with. Welcome Kim hope to hear from you soon. Joy
hi kim.

I am so sorry to here about your dad. My dad also has ALS, he was diagnosed a couple of months ago, but has quickly gone down hill. How is your dad doing? It's a scary thing for everyone to deal with, so hang in there. :wink:
Hi Kim,

Welcome. I'm very sorry to hear about your dad. You've taken a big positive step by coming here. I found that learning as much as you can about ALS does help. I hear support groups are good although I'm pretty new at that. One place that I visit daily is http://www.alsindependence.com it is run by a gentleman named George Goodwin who has ALS. They have on-line support group meetings twice a week.

Hang in there.

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