Hi Jane, (also to John, Fisher, TBear and all)
I have had a rather busy week with work this week, so, I was too tired when I got home and took care of Henry to even post this week. I feel bad when I don't. I like to touch base with all of you on a consistent basis. We are so blessed to spend another Easter together as family. All my family was here tonight for dinner and a visit. It really tires Henry out now. He was the one who used to play with the kids on the floor and they would crawl all over him! They understand that their uncle is sick now, but are still so little ( 7 and 8 ) that they think that he might get better. Dayne is 7, and he always tells Uncle Henry to take his vitamins so his his broken hands will get better. It is so cute. He watches every move (as little as they are now) that Henry makes, and always reports to me! It is so funny. Hel'll say, Auntie, Uncle Henry coughed in his pants! You better check on him. ha.. Kids are so cute. They also understand so much. He is taking his first communion this May, and Father Rick asked him and severl other children if they had a wish, what would they wish for. After a few minutes Dayne said to the Priest, I wish that my Uncle Henry was a little boy again, that way he would not be sick. Isn't that precious! And who says little ones do not have the depth to think that way. Henry is also slowing down drastically. The boys have to carry him through the house quite a bit now. He still stands leaning against the counter for several minutes. However, never alone. His speech is really going as well. I always thought that this part of this als thing is the worst. You can get by with modifications for every thing else, but, communication is such a large part of our lives. He still does fairly well eating, however, it takes a very long time to eat, and he tires himself out. He has lost 20 pounds since December, and that worries me too. We go see Dr. Strong on May 25, so we will see where his lung capacity is at that time. He is around 50 %, or was in Decemeber. We will find out then. Jane, is you sister living alone? I hope that she had help. Losing balance is horrible. Of course, it is due to weakening muscles, but it seems like your body is not in sync. You learn that life is tough, so, you have to be tougher. I mean that in only the most positive way. If you let yourself be taken down, and throw the towel in early, you will miss out on some of lifes richest blessings. And yes, there is so much to live for. Sometimes it doesn't seem that way with this als thing, but, reflect at a later time, and you will see what I say is true. It does not change anything, but if you only have one life to live, live it laughing, loving, living. God seems to compensate for the size of the adversities that we are given somehow. I truly believe that. Johnny, how are you doing? Fisher, what's new? I hope you both are okay, and I want you to know that I think of you often, and pray for you and your families every day. It seems like such a small thing to do, but, we are all in this together, and I just want you to know that I'm in your corners. Well folks, I have to clean up now, the family just left, and I thought I would check the site, and say hello, and I miss you all. Hang in there guys, and remember if one of falls, we are all here to help the other up. Stay Strong. God Bless...
Carol D. Hugsxoxo