Hi Kelly, Hope today finds you feeling a little better. I can SO relate to your story. My neuro pointed out that I had Muscle fasciculations and had lost muscle in one hand, and once he taught me what to look for I really started paying attention. Like you, I often wonder what comes next and what to look for.
Both of my local Doctors have mentioned ALS and they sent me to the ALS clinic for confirmation. This is where the story gets complicated. Please take note because there are 2 lessons here: 1, it takes a long time to run all the tests and rule out everything else. Second, there are lots of conditions that mimic ALS and only time will tell.
So, back to the story: the expert at the ALS clinic thought he saw something on one of the early tests and assured me back in July of this year that he would be able to diagnose me within the month and he suspected MS. But subsequent tests ruled that out, and here we are in November and he still can't or won't say what it really is.
Meanwhile I have lost a half inch of muscle in my legs and the muscles in the left hand are shrinking. I took fishing line and tied little pull cords on all my zippers and asked my haridresser to give me a cut that doesn't take much work and I am learning to brake with my left foot since the right leg cramps to the point where it won't go back to the gas after I lift off the brake. This weekend my husband is down in Florida selling the second home. We're paying off all debt in order to be in a position to live off one salary. And we are opening a funeral account.
Whew! Sounds like a lot, doesn't it? But the sunsets are prettier than I remember, and my favorite music sounds sweeter and all of this time laying around on the sofa gives me time to make new friends on line and keep in touch with old friends by phone. Next week I am going to apply for a hand-free phone since the one we have right now is too heavy.
So if you like you can play the waiting game with me and some of the others on this forum. We can watch Patty do a makeover of Captain Al and ask Lisa to tell us about her kids and get Grampa Al to tell us about the birthday party he went to.
And you can tell us more about yourself, if you like. Do you have hobbies? A job? Keep in touch and welcome to the board!