Hello if somebody can help me

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Dec 25, 2022
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Hello I've been suffering from muscle weakness 2 years ago, I went to the doctor two times and he made me a emg and nerve conduction study so my question is it could be some mnd? Like Als, PMA, PBP thanks a lot.
You are not giving us much information here. what did your doctor say? Did they find clinical weakness on exam? Abnormal reflexes?

if it were als you would haveboth plus an abnormal emg. If it were pma you would have clinical weakness and an abnormal emg pseudobulbar palsy and progressive bulbar palsy are by definition confined to face, speech and swallow and do not involve the limbs. Pls is detected on a clinical exam with primarily unilateral abnormal reflexes and spasticity. If you have none of the above it is unlikely you have an mnd. Please talk to your doctor
Diagnosing ALS is done by knowledgeable physicians via many tests over time. We who are not trained may wonder, but don't diagnose. My PALS had many blood tests, Xrays, MRI, Barrium swallow test, EMG and many physical exams. His diagnosis was made by a neurologist. Then confirmed by a second neurologist who is an expert in ALS.
I hope your symptoms subside and you get some answers.
Thanks for your answers can I have pbp knowing that the doctor made me two emg but just on the limbs which are affected by muscle wasting and they were clean? Thanks again
No. I already told you
pseudobulbar palsy and progressive bulbar palsy are by definition confined to face, speech and swallow and do not involve the limbs.
Thanks Nikki I'm asking this because I've read that pbp can spread to the limbs but in that case it would be reflected in the emg
yes. When it spreads it isn’t pbp anymore it is ALS
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