Hello. I recently had upper and lower engine done for twitching in my calves. It came back clean. I am now worried I have bulbar als

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New member
May 19, 2024
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I have food sticking when I swallow and feel like food and fluid is going up into my sinuses. I went to my ent and was told I have acid reflux causes inflammation of the throat causing the food issues. Unfortunately I have a terrible health ocd that has me locked into Bulbar. My family dr is telling me I do not have any type of als and my symptoms are from the acid. She tested my tongue and lips for weakness and said all was good. Told me I did not need a neurologist but still think I am going to see one even though one read the EKG’s at the hospital and said no als. Does anyone have any feedback to help my ocd thoughts. Thanks so much
Hi there-

Sorry you're struggling with intrusive thoughts about your health. That must be very difficult. We can only provide the most basic of information here, and always recommend working with doctors when health worries get in the way. If you are aware of patterns around obsessive thoughts and anxiety, your best bet is to work with someone qualified to help with those symptoms. Posting on a forum for a terminal disease you show no signs of will only provide temporary and incomplete relief.

Please read here Important - READ BEFORE POSTING! Answers to common concerns about possible symptoms to answer further questions about the basics of ALS and some other information. Please keep working with your doctor to find some relief with your diagnosed health condition of acid reflux and to get a referral to someone who can help you find some tools and solutions for your acute health anxiety.

Please take care
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