Hello friends

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Distinguished member
Apr 26, 2004
I haven't been to the site in a few months due to life getting very hectic. Hello to those of you who might remember me, I've missed all the discussions and friendships. I am trying to catch up on my reading to see how everyone is doing, but I hope and pray all are doing well.

We bought 2 houses since the middle of this summer. One needing a complete rehab (new kitchen, bath, paint, windows, roof, carpet) and the other some rehabbing. We have had very nice tenants move in, one is a single mom with 3 young kids. It has been very rewarding but tiring (we both work full time too). It seems we are moving in the right direction for at least one of us to retire soon.

I will try to read up on how everyone is doing but I wanted to make a separate topic to say hi so those that know me won't miss it! I've missed you all. -ME-
Hi Melissa, welcome back. Sounds as if you two have been busy. How is your husband doing?
Hi Melissa. Al is still hanging in here.
Al - glad to see you sound like you are keeping your spirit. Did I read something about a move? How is Lee?

Theresa - We have been soooo busy. But, it seems it is starting to pay off. We aren't actually making any money yet but the rentals are supporting themselves for the most part. We are hoping for one of us to be able to quit our jobs and work this full time but not quite yet.

Hubby's health has been variable over the last few months. He was sick a few months ago and they said he had strep throat and sick in December (they said mono). Seems kind of suspicious but who knows. He is going for another round of tests lately but we haven't heard anything conclusive yet. Mostly, he is getting really frustrated with getting told he's fine....

Has anyone heard from Carol lately? I couldn't find much posted from her. What about Kim? Tbear, glad to see you're still around too. Seems to be a lot of new people so I'll have to learn more names!
Hi Melissa:

Haven't heard from Carol since before Christmas but I'm sure she's out there somewhere. Wlecome back, glad that you and your husband are doing well.


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